
My satellite bill is not even close to free. It’s nearly $250/month. What a ridiculous statement. GOT is an expensive luxury for most of the world. I enjoy it immensely and I don’t go to the cinema so I can have a satellite service at home.

Oh God, fuck this. I have my misgivings about it too, but I am so done with entitled dipshit fans like these.

It seems I’m one of the only people who still likes this show now, because apparently the idea that a show whose only long-running theme that rulership by birth is destructive at best and when led by ill rulers is horrifying in totality, ending with yet another ill-ruler with a longstanding history of

I’m from Baltimore and I don’t doubt that Julia will be back at Pride this year.  I look forward to meeting her.

It wasn’t really made clear onscreen, but just seconds earlier, Merry stabbed the Night King in the back of the knee with an enchanted barrow-blade which anchored his physical form to the mortal plane and allowed Arya to deliver the killing blow thus fulfilling Glorfindel’s 2000 year old prophesy, “Not by the hand of

Some minor spoilers but In the end, Joanna pulls through. her friend also lives, but brain damaged which apparently is a side effect of said measles shot.

My takeaway from those first two episodes (after which I stopped watching) was, “Do these husbands spark joy?”

if you dislike them, you’re perfectly welcome to stop clicking on articles about them and going a step further and actually commenting on those articles. I like what I like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Burning it all down only sounds good if you have the privilege of not being on fire.

This is why I’m always extremely leery of the sort of person who opines that maybe Trump in office is “good”, because it will hasten the fall of the current system/speed the revolution/spur greater change in one form or another. The kind of person who believes that is usually not the same as the people who are going

When I was a kid we’d all dare each other to eat the spiciest things. And made sure to have plenty of milk and crackers on hand when we had too much.

Yet it is also clearly abusive. It never ceases to amaze me what people will allow themselves to be taped and broadcast doing. 

[...] there’s no gun to your head [...]

I found the corporate medical shill.

“allows companies to tweak their insurance offerings”

That’s what we call sweet carbonated beverages here in the upper Midwest.

no. 20% is an extremely generous tip. Call me a fucking jerk all you want. Tipping is stupid and sexist, and we should be pushing for a change that sees servers paid a fair wage and doesn’t put customers in that awkward situation of tipping. IT DOES NOT CREATE BETTER SERVICE. And you know what? The 2% they’re shorted

“Mummy, you’ve destroyed my life! I shan’t speak to you ever again! Now....give me this week’s sack of money immediately!”