Jean Mahfouz

If a toddler will enjoy it, chances are it will do well with conservatives.

Yep. Everything in America is a scam.

This has always been the right-wing definition of “apolitical”. When your politics ARE the status quo, you can just point at all of us on the left protesting for change and say only WE are being “political” or bringing politics into places they claim it wasn’t previously.

Silicon Valley has always been a place for unconventional thinkers with big ideas...”

Literally when has this ever been true? This cohort is the most chickenshit Emperor’s New Clothes Groupthink cargo cult possible, particularly once any of them actually get money.

Plus, a lot of the names on this list *were already

This tracks, because Silicon Valley hasn’t really been about tech innovations for quite some time. It’s all about grifting with some new snake oil to get as much capital as possible. These people are basically no different from Trump.

Absolutely justifying actions.

Wait, someone can’t mention Palestine without reciting a litany of other global issues? That’s ridiculous. If someone wants to discuss Ukraine, I don’t demand they discuss Uyghurs. Belief that discussing one topic at a time is invalid is crap. So I agree that selective outrage is bullshit; it’s a bullshit derailment

oh get fu©ked. Hamas’ anti LGBTQ+ stance is not, or ever will be, an excuse for the genocide of an innocent population. And you’re trying to use it as a justification by bringing it up here.

i mean cruise also changed that trajectory because of ‘the couch incident’. 

It's the only series to actually get better after the 4th installment 

I can’t tell from the original post just how far Cruise took the joke. Like, was it 10 seconds of pretending to be in trouble or 2 minutes of furiously acting like the chopper was doomed? It makes a lot of difference.

They do this exact bit brilliantly with Steve Carell on The Office and he’s so amused with himself haha

I’d say both that variety of “joke” goes beyond the usual impulse of “ha, the look on their face will be priceless” and into “for a brief second, I will have complete power over this person’s emotions”.

Obviously there’s a difference between “surprise you’re gonna die” and “surprise you’re unemployed” but the same weird mentality and gross power dynamics are there.

Tell them we didn’t know capturing a wild Orca whale and forcing it to live in a tank with other Orcas it didn’t know while requiring it to do tricks for food would make them violent until 2013.

I saw the twitter dunking and it was mostly being made by people who weren’t even alive in ‘04 when Super Size Me came out. Even at it’s release ‘Oh wow guy eats nothing but Mcdonald’s and gets fat stop the presses’ was a wide criticism of the films concept. But at the time it was pretty hard to know what was being

Algeria would like a word.

>Mel Gibson’s “comeback,” his post-scandal career hasn’t exactly lit the world on fire

Now playing

I at least appreciate that Neeson was ok making fun of himself on Atlanta:

Well, he’s been super supportive of JK Rowling this whole time. This is really just a lateral move.