Jean Mahfouz

I mean I’m sure if they’d let him go play soldier he would:

A judge can unilaterally decide upon a punishment, no matter how crazy/unconstitutional, then throw you in jail for contempt if/when you refuse? Could said judge asked him for a BJ? Demanded he clean the court’s bathrooms? IANAL, but such judicial carte blanche for speeding ticket adjudication doesn’t sound legit at

That boot leather must taste mighty fine on a Monday morning.

aNyOnE wItH dIfFeReNt BeLiEfS tHaN mE iS oNlY pReTeNdiNg!1!11!!

Right because otherwise all graduation events are 100% legally binding and if you miss them you have to do college again.

All protest is, in some sense, a performance. What a weird and unnecessary observation.

All of this aside, celebrated assholes shouldn’t be giving commencement speeches - this includes 38-year-olds who ‘dated’ 17-year-olds.

“I think it is also wonderful that you care so much about not hurting other people’s feelings in the million and one ways we all do that every second of every day,”

The engineer told him the frunk increases in pressure every single time it closes and detects resistance, Judkins said. It’s going to assume you want to close the frunk and maybe something like a bag is getting in the way, which would make it close harder.”

Next time he should try with his Johnson. Will hopefully prevent yet more stupid people from being in this world.

Huh, who’d have thought that a product pushed through the pipeline by one of history’s most inept engineers would be dangerous to its owners?

Boeing is Exhibit A of, if corporations really want to be people, there needs to be a corporate death penalty.  Break it up, sell off the parts, and let another aerospace company rise that won’t endanger air travel by cutting corners for profits.

so we just ignoring the sexual assault lawsuit against Vin Diesel? 

Indeed. Watching the NFL absolutely freakout over a Black man kneeling during the national anthem was the end of my already shaken interest.

Ross has talked on pods about certain rostees who have got it in writing that certain things are off limits (Caitlyn Jenner would only go on the Alec Baldwin roast as long as no brought up her killing someone with her car) so I’d be willing to bet there was a ‘no Kraft massage jokes’ in this one but since it was live

I was a lifelong Pats fan going back to before Bledsoe when they perennially sucked. Was thrilled with Brady and Belichick for obvious reasons until Deflategate, Spygate, and their going public with their MAGA leanings put the kibosh on my Pats fandom. All that coupled with the CTE scandal breaking led to me losing

Like when Trump gave corporations huge tax breaks, the same day it passed, multiple companies started mass layoffs. Tax breaks, corporate welfare, none of these helps the workers, it just pads their profits.

I read these stories about how all these companies are forcing a return to office, yet almost no one I know who has been WFH since 2020 is being asked to come back.

I love that Tesla has so many IT problems that an “account deactivated” message doesn’t even warrant a second thought. This is the company that Musk claims is more about software than it is about building cars.