Jean Mahfouz

Yep, just gotta button that lip and take the high road. The Right may constantly and consistently extol political violence to the extent that people feel empowered to attack the Speaker of the House in their own home, attempt the kidnapping of a state governor, shoot unarmed protesters, and even incite a mass riot on

I think it’s too early to tell if the kid actors will become stars or not. The production schedule for Stranger Things the last few years seems crazy - it’s already elongated because of how long the episodes are turning out to be but then it’s also been impacted by a global pandemic and two strikes. I have to imagine

imo the letter was fine; the issue was his return to the spotlight and material about the situation didn’t really match that sense of contrite self-reflection.

It’s like going to a restaurant-a vital social touchstone that when you’ve been away for awhile doesn’t seem that smart an idea. 3x the price to get the same oversalted food you can make at home without the guilt trip of an additional % added because most restaurants don’t pay staff enough.

Yeah, I’d just like to say that I in no way affiliate with the company I work for; except that I work there.


at that time, glbt celebs were still few and far between, so the community would rally hardcore behind anyone who came out.
it’s kinda astounding that she suffers from a lack of popularity now. the gay agenda worked so well, it made the old-timers irrelevant, lol.

Excellent. I was only thirteen in ‘97, but I can remember the insane response to her from the Christian Right and a lot of society in general.

Yeah, I always felt the blowback was slightly, emphasis on slightly, disproportionate to the offense and likely colored by her being queer and a woman. I just don’t see someone like a Stephen Colbert being brought down with such glee the way she was.

Thank you. It is worth remembering just how many walls she knocked down in 1997 and just how much shit she took for it. 

Oh I dunno, not getting rid of Santos, who nobody knew who he really was, or the Speaker nomination fiasco, the constant threats of people like MTG to bury the knife in the back of their Speaker even after he was appointed. And on and on.

At this point I hope Biden bombs the (pre-recorded and edited) friendly interview.

I absolutely fucking hate this take.

There was a TON of Republican panic in 2016 as Trump steadily dismantled all GOP challengers and most considered him an embarrassment that would lose the election and cause long-term damage to the party. It’s easy to forget now, but conservative media (Fox News and talk radio) was very slow to warm up to Trump. Fox

It works though. People have already forgotten the downright all-time historic embarrassment that was the GOP House Follies last year, and are now focused on Joe having a bad night in front of the cameras.

All the talk the last week about Dems panicking made me realize you never hear about Republicans panicking. They’re like cats acting like everything’s fine no matter how much they just embarrassed themselves.

“celebration of fly white boys”

“*Kavanaugh, behalf of SCOTUS: Hold my beer”

I actually like Alien 3 as a standalone and something of a return to the horror roots of the first film — but as a follow up to Aliens it is absolutely terrible. It may be a textbook case of exactly what not to do with a franchise entry.

I thought Prometheus was very good. The conclusion featured a very tantalizing cliff-hanger. Maybe someday...