Jean Mahfouz

I think the kids have plenty of time and I hope they take a page from the Harry Potter kids and go at a speed that makes sense for them.

I’m eager to see it. They guy was arguably one of the greatest living stand up comics at one point, if not one of the greatest comedians ever, full stop.

I get that mix of jealousy and incredulity on the few I’ve seen. Genuinely hard to shake the feeling, “I could do that”, in that I believe I could come up with as good or better interview questions and also enjoy spicy wings.

It seems like common sense to me that giving someone the option of consuming quality entertainment in their own home whenever they want vs. forcing them to drive to a strange place and contend with schedules and the masses, most people will opt for the former. Going out to see a movie has to be something I voluntarily

While I certainly don’t feel sorry for her, it’s undeniable she’s been put through the ringer, both for things that were outside of her control as well as for her own flaws and shortcomings.


**Thomas, on behalf of himself: Buy me a yacht

Legend is perhaps most notable in that, if my Tom Cruise-lore memory serves, Cruise was so dissatisfied with the process of filming Legend and the direction it was taking his career that he pushed for several then-unheard-of creativity demands (over things like script, movie edits, and even marketing) when selecting

Pretty on brand for Italy, a nation where sexual assault has essentially be greenlit by its courts*.

Agree I genuinely was excited for what the next chapter would bring, but I’ve certainly stopped holding my breath.

I actually like Alien 3 as a standalone and something of a return to the horror roots of the first film — but as a follow up to Aliens it is absolutely terrible. It may be a textbook case of exactly what not to do with a franchise entry.

I’d agree if there is a weak point to 2049 is it’s self-mythologizing and self-referential. A lot of “hey guys, remember this?” I think it missteps on the question “does the film stand on its own”.

Interestingly (and I may be of a minority opinion here) both Bladerunner 2049 and Prometheus are seriously underrated.

With how much of the business is relationship based (or so I hear), it does seem odd to pick an unnecessary fight, let alone with someone at the helm of a $2B franchise.

I think a lot of the specific demonization and vilification of marijuana stems from racism and later politics. In the 20s and 30s it was seen as a drug primarily used by Mexicans and then Blacks — so criminalization was just basically a way to oppress Black and Brown populations and put their men in jail.

Sadly this is what you get with a reactive system that looks to litigation in lieu of regulation to keep bad actors in check. Basically, do whatever the hell you want until someone holds you accountable in the court of law vs a more proactive system where the government (1) prioritizes its responsibility to

The candle reveal is a great needle drop horror moment but feels like self-sabotage to not only feature it in the trailer but the movie poster as well. Is the whole movie filled with moments like this? Or did they give away the most suspenseful part?

I think everyone just realized that stories about the US government being responsible for butchering civilians wholesale don’t matter as long as those civilians are Arab.

Honestly the best possible thing that can happen for Elon is for the cybertruck to get so politicized that MAGAts start buying them as some kind of tribal “fuck you” to “make lib cry harder” or something.

I’m sick to my fucking stomach my choices are a guy who has enabled a genocide against the Palestinians and a guy who is upset more Palestinians aren’t being killed faster. It’s like being asked if I’d rather eat five pounds of used syringes or ten. Fuck this fucking place.