Jean Mahfouz

The executives most responsible for the 737 MAX are long gone. The 737 MAX was concepted/designed/built between 2006 and 2015. The executives making the critical decisions about the plane (including Boeing CEO Jim McNerney, who had no background in aviation before taking on the role of CEO and overseeing the creation

There’s an excellent book by Peter Robinson, Flying Blind, that deep dives into what happened at Boeing and the 737 MAX, and why. (Perversely, it was my in-flight reading material on my last business trip, which was indeed on a 737 MAX).

Makes sense. D&D is the lingua franca of gaming. Get a bunch of random gamers together and no matter their preference or background they’re all going to know D&D.

Messing is not the only celebrity Trump grossed out with one of his “crushes.”

I grew up in North Jersey in the 80s. Trump was always a punchline; shorthand for “gaudy” and a poor man’s idea of a rich man.

I don’t give a shit about TikTok. I don’t personally use it, don’t have an account, and in principle I actually agree with some of the concerns about data privacy.

Curious — are you looking to get into TTRPG (table top roleplaying games) or specifically D&D? It’s tempting to use the terms interchangeably (I do when I’m talking to non-gamers) but know there’s a huge TTRPG universe outside of D&D — plus the different editions of the games themselves play distinctly.

I am trying to consume less news these days so willing to admit I’ve missed something, but my read these last few months is that they are neck-and-neck and if anything Trump has been ahead, specifically in key swing states.

when Janet Jackson’s breast was exposed during her performance with Timberlake at the Super Bowl halftime show

Oh man you’re too far gone. Might as well try to play chess with a fucking cow.

You think folks were in the streets cause they were getting out the vote for George Floyd? For president?

“Just like you, I’ve got, what, 10, 11 kids, right? And just like you, my kids can’t stand spending time with me. So get this — instead of having your kids in the cold embrace of an unfeeling caregiver who cannot process human emotion, why not put a robot in charge of them instead?”

Well said. Corporate leadership is no longer interested in creating a product or delivering a service. The focus is not on the quality or even quantity of value generated but on financial engineering that inflates stock value.

I am not under 40. I grew up getting to watch Losing My Religion on permanent loop on MTV.

jesus christ i’m old 

I don’t know what Thompson is supposed to do or say here, and what he has said has been pretty fair in threading a difficult needle. Sometimes crazy shit happens and you just don’t see it. Maybe you aren’t the target of it, maybe you didn’t notice, whatever. So when people speak to their experience, the best you can

lol yup Hunter sure lost my vote!

Ah yes, the problem with social media all along is people online have been too restrained by shame and humility

Buddy, what? The takeover of the Republican party, conservatism in America, whatever you want to call it, is complete. You’ve got your House Speaker begging SCOTUS to reverse the 34 counts Trump has been found guilty of, and half those corrupt clowns on the bench would happily oblige if given the chance. Barring an

Conservatives are culturally illiterate. To the point where it’s undeniable they have some kind of profound brain damage. They’re upset Star Trek is “becoming” woke now, presumably because it never was before. Same w/ Doctor Who. They think Wall Street was aspirational. Robocop and Starship Troopers are just fun