Jean Mahfouz

He “hears stories” but has never actually worked with the man?

Its an interesting thought, but there is virtually no chance Trump wins the popular vote, and if by some crazy coincidence he actually did, Biden would lose the EC in pretty much every scenario. By a historic trouncing.

Its amazing, we’re still locking these people up and the guy who incited it is in line to retake the White House.

This is the inevitable result of the entire “no regulations” ideology. We’ve seen it before and been warned, but America just keeps doing it anyway.

Assange was a tool of Putin and helped get Trump elected.

Remember, it’s Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden that exposed the government’s amorality. It’s Assange who coordinated with Putin’s team of hackers to disrupt the 2016 election by selectively releasing DNC material, while withholding similar GOP material, and rejecting leaks that would expose the Russian government.

One problem is that greedy executives are just focused on making higher profits for the company and reducing manufacturing costs at the expense of quality. In order to reduce manufacturing costs, they use cheaper quality parts and materials. The American Automakers GM, Ford, Chrysler do this. But of course, cars are

Such a great cast... And Lily-Rose Depp, too

Hard pass. Watching 2 senile old white men is just going to be pathetic to watch. Biden is definitely the only right choice amongst the 2 but it’s still incredibly pathetic that these are the “best” choices for President in a country of 330 million people. Just ludicrous.

I find most people in the US who describe themselves as “libertarian” basically mean “Republican, but not willing to admit it” 

D&D specifically, because it’s more universally known. Years ago I was really into Werewolf: The Apocalypse but pre-internet I didn’t know anyone else who played. The rules for that one were also more like guidelines than anything else. I also read through Cyberpunk and Shadowrun at one point, but I was more

Now playing

Multiple lawmakers and others have admitted that the TicTok ban is not about consumer data or privacy. If it was they would make laws that apply to all social media apps including American ones similar to what EU and other countries have on the books.

I have no doubt that the Trumpists will be claiming today that “clean fakes” is the actual phrase and always was, and using it as much as possible.

It’s fine for corporations and scammers to get our data but a Chinese company? If they want that data they better pay Facebook for it, damnit.

I don’t know how people missed his assholishness over the years. I remember the tabloid covers with him, Marla and Ivana from when I was a kid. Then he went all racist on Obama, pretty publicly too.

No way. Trump was a widely mocked figure for his business failings, mob ties and vile personality for decades before the apprentice came on the air.

Can’t wait until the day he dies. Hopefully it’s on camera and we can all watch the spread of the terror on his hideous face and the piss stain on his ill fitting pants.

I kinda believe that he has sexual fantasies about his daughter Ivanka. It’s the only thing that makes sense.

It’s been a decade-plus of him ruining America and he still won’t shut up and go away.

God, I’m so fucking tired of relentlessly exhausting orange fuckball.