Jean Mahfouz

I’m kind of surprised I haven’t heard of some of these dopes declaring war on the US.

It’s the socially acceptable word for everyone who wants to rant about minorities, women, and/or LGBTQ groups, but fear they’ll get fired for using the known slurs.

Ron DeSantis ate this exact same shit-sandwich during his primary campaign for president. Eventually these freaks are going to figure out normal people are more off-put by anti-woke culture than they were by woke culture in the first place, Gonna be weird to see where that whole culture goes from there.

major airlines are staunchly opposed to the change and warn that airfare could rise as a result

THANK YOU! So many people say it is overhyped but if you saw it in the theaters you get it. And yes, the beginning is boring and the characters are obnoxious but that’s the point., that’s the slow build.

I was 26 when I saw it in the theater, I can’t remember if I’d yet found out that it was made up, but I was hyperventilating when the lights came up at the end. However, I can still here the voice of the person sitting right behind me who yelled “I WANT MY MONEY BACK!” To each their own, I suppose.

I saw it on a date, and the guy got laid because I was so scared afterwards I didn’t want him to go home #truestory

My manager at my job at the time was obsessed with the marketing about how it was real and almost everyone working at our store saw it the day before it premiered at the theater in our mall because we were friends with the manager there and he let everyone he liked working in the mall watch the test run(after they cut

I don’t think there’s any separating that marketing campaign from the experience of seeing the movie. Even if you knew it was bullshit, the anticipation it build up added to it massively.  Long way of saying I don’t think catching it again today would have anywhere near the same impact.

I was older at the time, early 20s, but equally gullible and had a similar experience. I completely believed the hype, dragging my incredulous gf at the time on opening night. The theater was PACKED and rowdy, one of my top theater experiences ever.

In all seriousness I think there’s at least a 50% chance Musk swoops in to turn this into ‘Original Programming for X’ or some other such fate.”

You know what vehicle can handle both of those things at the same time? Every single other one ever made.

Did he try parking it in rice overnight?

It’s almost like industry self regulation doesn’t actually produce the best results!

U.S. Capitalism - The insane belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of reasons will somehow work for the benefit of us all.

Maybe we can apply this to the people protesting at Planned Parenthood. 

Nope, canon is not important. Canon is an illusion. All long-running stories are in a constant state of flux and rewrites themselves all the time to adjust to changing social moores and tastes. Warhammer is no exception. It's all fiction, all imaginary. Don't use canon to excuse your own close-mindedness.

Yeah, fuck even the idea of paying for ads. I’m never going to do it, I’d rather live without any streaming shit at all than pay real money and still have to suffer ads.

The proper response to people who are butthurt about something like this being “woke” is “shut the fuck up”.