Jean Mahfouz

I would amplify your point by noting that Courtney Love has more access to the music industry than the vast majority of women in the world. If she wants to simultaneously represent “a safe space for girls” and ALSO make music that meets her own standard for what is “interesting” in 2024, she should try her hand at

Counterpoint: It’s sad to see someone who is thirsty for attention use the names of more famous, more successful people in their field to draw attention to themselves. Courtney Love could be famous for the music she makes, but that’s hard. Getting clicks for talking reckless about more famous people is easy.

Grown adults that conflate their opinion with objective truth should be shunned by society

>his character has always seemed to me to be race neutral, like make Sisko a bald white guy and what exactly about his character would have to change?

Sisko is absolutely a black man in all that means. Don’t take that away from Sisko or Brooks or Benny.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone call Sisko an unhinged madman, and while Sisko may be African American his character has always seemed to me to be race neutral, like make Sisko a bald white guy and what exactly about his character would have to change? In my opinion, nothing. "In the Pale Moonlight" deserves all

probably because after his arrest for child porn in 2002 he stopped getting roles.

Well said.

They say one of the definitions of madness is to repeat the same thing and expect something different. Well it’s 8 years and counting now.

Even if Norm didn’t pass the ol’ afterlife test, I bet he’d still be having some fun running into him down there.

From your posting history:

I have no love for Simpson. He was a piece of shit murderer. I was referring more to your choice to talk about “when Black people all over America celebrated because green is a more important color to our justice system than black or white.” Seemed like a weird time to bring up racist talking points from 30 years ago,

White folks were mad mad. Like they’d never seen a rich person with a top-notch legal team outwit the LAPD. They were really counting on racism to carry the day.

No, he got acquitted because of LA’s notoriously corrupt, incompetent, and racist police force. The context of portions of Black America “celebrating” that acquittal is significantly more complicated than money.

That was such a bizarre day. In my school all the classrooms pretty much shut down as every teacher, unprompted, set up a portable radio and had us all listen to the verdict live. I remember being bored out of my mind to the point that I took off my socks and made puppets to act out whatever was being said on the

It’s so nice how OJ’s acquittal so many years ago pointed out the inequalities of our deeply flawed justice system and how having a vigorous and therefore very expensive legal team is by far the single biggest predictor of a win in court.

The casket’s going to fit like a glove. 

Aw. Now he’ll never find the real killers.

It makes perfect sense that someone with absolutely no understanding of false equivalency or context would completely and utterly get his facts wrong in their effort to “own the libs.” You people are truly sad. But always amusing.

Okay, so as you mentioned in subsequent posts, you confused Dan Schneider with Brian Peck. Those two creeps’ cases are very different. Dan Schneider was a very prominent executive producer at Nickelodeon who created a dozen shows for the channel over the course of two decades. Brian Peck was a freelance dialogue coach