Jean Mahfouz

I think Blade Runner can be groundbreaking, and 2049 can still be a better film. I'm not sure I agree that it is, but I don't think those are mutually exclusive ideas.

I’ll raise my next ketchup sandwich to you!

BR 2049 is both a sci-fi classic AND superior to the original imo, box office be damned. Lay your burden down, Villeneuve.

Is there a contract that limits what they can do with the money Musk gave them? If not, then a certain Elongated Muskrat can go pound sand. I can’t say I’m a big fan of Altman, but Musk’s ridiculous antics are beyond tiresome. I wish he would just retire to Mars and get out of everyone’s hair.

I find Musk to be an awful human I deeply oppose his horrific behaviour of the last few years.
And yet I think he is right on this one.
The smart move would be to settle by returning his money. They were just valued at 80 billion dollars.

Thanks a LOT, Musk, for making me want to take the side of Brockman.

The film was originally budgeted to have a full-time armorer, but to save money the producers combined that job with a prop assistant role. My understanding is that the new budget called for whoever they hired to be paid the hourly rate for an armorer half the time (not sure if week or day) and the prop assistant rate

That guy is an asshole of the highest order and should get booted from the app as a driver. 

Exactly. With the exception of the wife of the man with dementia, I feel sorry for no one here.  Critical thinking is sorely lacking in today’s society. 

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Elon was actually behind these, trying to recoup massive losses from the purchase of Twitter. 

Tell me you don’t know where your tax money is going without telling me etc. etc.

Oh please.

Unless she was just referring to the call sheet for that day. If Streep wasn’t in the scene, Grant would absolutely be at the top. And his reputation as a costar is less than ideal.

I work in post-production sound for film/TV/commercials and my one solace with AI are the completely incomprehensible notes I get from 90% of directors/clients and other “creatives.” Almost no one has any clue how to articulate what they want when it comes to describing sound, it’s like each person has their own

Okay. I appreciate the exchange.

I remember when you’d go to a key Smith to get a new key forged. Now they’ve literally got a machine for that.

Oh I’ve seen the subreddit. Heck, I even have a couple greys responding here saying “yOu’RE nOt aLLoWeD tO sAy BaD tHiNgS oR tHeY’lL put U iN wOkE jAiL.”

Oh do keep saying that. That’s a a winning move. It will summon the Orange Dictator.

There is nothing remotely cool about this. The Democrats can make Biden pose in aviators licking ice cream cones all they want. It doesn’t explain why he alienated the black and arab-american vote for no good reason.