Jean Mahfouz

I suggest you watch Somebody Somewhere before you cancel your subscription.

Yeah more or less this. He likely doesn’t talk to anyone on the phone for personal or 1 on 1 business conversations, ever. His executive assistant or whoever does it for him. 

In a few months, I will discontinue my phone number and only use X for texts and audio/video calls”

Yeah, everybody knows you’re only black Royalty if you were accepted at Hillman College.

It will go on to say "my baby! Hello my honey! Hello my ragtime gal!"

It’s a small miracle she got any work at all after her other disastrous work on screen. She’s fine when she’s just running around punching and kicking people or putting them in armbars, but once she has to act—like really act by delivering lines or exhibiting emotions that her character feels... it falls apart pretty

I can’t argue that Eternals is a good movie. It’s just too sprawling and oddly structured. But it’s one of the few recent superhero movies I can see developing the cult that not good but weirdly ambitious movies develop.

Sure, but I can understand someone underestimating what that level of scrutiny actually feels like. Especially someone like Kumail Nanjiani: a man in his 40's whose career was mostly comedy prior to this point.

Yes, though I think it’s OK for Nanjiani to have his own reaction to that, even if his reaction isn’t the usual one.  And I’m sure that, even for actors who enjoy the fact that millions of people think they look hot, there’s an element of awkwardness to be openly gazed at that way.

Until Dennis Miller lost his damn mind.

One of my buddies nigh worships this dude and I don’t get why. Fuck, Dennis Miller was at least occasionally funny.

I’m definitely not a Swiftie, and I do get the incentive to shame (on environmental grounds) celebrities who jet around needlessly. But on the other hand, Swift has received death threats, so maybe tracking her every move publicly is something she has a reasonable dislike of.

You can dismiss Recoegnitions form the panel. They are a bot.

It’s best to leave him in the grays.

shhh i wanna see him have to hire back those twitter employees he fired for criticizing him

I look forward to these people someday realizing that freedom of speech does not actually mean freedom from consequence when you’re talking about a private corporation/entity/employer. Yes, Gina and Elon, you can say whatever the hell you want. But you can still face the repercussions. 

Gonna play some Chicks tracks and a few Kris Kristofferson tunes today. 

...but only the bigliest windmills.

Back in I wanna say 2006/2007/2008 Ethan Hawke wrote a profile on Kris Kristofferson for Rolling Stone. A big aspect of the profile was about how out of place Kristofferson was in the country music world during the Iraq War since he was a Vietnam vet and outspoken liberal. There’s a scene in that profile where

Trump causes cancer.