Jean Mahfouz

Israel has a right to defend itself from Hamas, not women and children living under Hamas by no fault of their own.

If Musk wasn’t such a douche bag, creating the constant repugnant scumbaggy news all by himself, you might have a point.

Annie Lennox is a fucking Queen, period. 

Incels, of course, but I don’t think they’d be going for Haley.


That’s not how activism works.

Thank you, Ms. Lennox. Just one more reason to admire you.

“All I was doing was waving my hand within an inch of his face and shouting ‘I’m not touching you! I’m not touching you!’ and the guy freaks out and hits me!”

While not technically saying Gaza, the message was succinct and direct and clear. A perfect memorial.

“I refused to because I’m like, ‘I feel really uncomfortable right now and this is the only evidence,” Fox said.

If Elordi punched out any cunt involved with Kyle and Jackie O he’ll never have to pay for a beer in this country again.


I’m surprised and heartened by people not knowing who this guy is.

I texted my wife about this and turns out right before she DID try it, and it was good but it DID give her the shits 30 minutes later...

Dear God, I’m not defending Tom Cotton, a terrible racist and idiot

I really like his confrontational style when he’s confronting Republican bullies. When he’s confronting those opposed to unfettered bombing and war crimes. Not so much.

Neocons are mostly interested in foreign policy and militarism. They tend to be Republicans and are definitely pro business. Bush/Cheney is their high water mark and they were virulently anti labor. Any pro labor neocon, I can’t think of any recent ones, are a definite outlier.

YES!!! I love that champion of labor, Joe Manchin!!!! Right there with Joe Hill!!!! To say that the Democratic Party is automatically pro labor is just not true. Where were you with NAFTA, normalization of trade with China, the deregulation of finance and banking along with the Clinton era of hugging Wall Street and

Regressive, fascist movements depend on economic inequality. With the exception of the wealthy few, everyone is a worker or depends upon a worker.

He has been unabashedly pro-labor.