Jean Mahfouz

Exactly my thoughts - this is the fanciest place they can think of to have dinner for prom or something and now they’re trying to flex by mentioning it even though it reveals their taste level.

You aren’t wrong but James Gunn seems to be the only Marvel director who can work in that style and still deliver funny heart warming movies which still have stakes and great action. The three Guardians movies are still the top of the Marvel output 

I’d sooner shoot someone for trying to steal my dog than breaking into my house. That said, breeding these terribly unhealthy designer dogs should be HIGHLY illegal. This is a the most selfish form of cruelty and should be a felony with a multi-year prison sentence and animal cruelty charges. 

I’m genuinely torn about how I feel about this story. I love dogs, stealing dogs is fucked up, but buying designer dogs for thousands of dollars is feeding into the system that creates more demand for dogs that are barely hanging onto life. Pugs, frenchies, other designer Brachycephalic dog breeds are literally just

I’m a pacifist by nature; I fully believe in negotiation and calm discussion to resolve issues.

Stories about Panera’s killer lemonade always make me think of Chris Gethard in Class Action Park: “Nobody should ever be the second person to die in a wave pool. After the first death, you close the f—ing wave pool!”

Maybe Biden should have done a better job earning their vote then.

I fail to see how this means you shouldn’t protest the guy actively helping Israel to bomb Gaza. They are hardly going to be able to protest him in the White House. They have to protest when he is out and about. And the fact is he will always be out an about talking about another important problem. His job is to

What no Chili’s on the list? I’m outraged!

That sign was violatin mah freedom !!! 

I can see the elastic waistbands of Midwestern Americans expanding already...

How did HBO let this one go? Even though I don’t think he was in charge then, let’s go ahead and blame Zaslav for it.

You know it’s not really about Barbie though, right? RIGHT? 

I watched it a lot as a kid, am I misremembering or was one of the weird alien things the fact that to get pregnant an alien lady needed to get inseminated by two dudes and there was a whole religious ceremony around it. I have a strong memory of just that aspect of the show for some reason 

Nominating Ken but not Barbie is stupid and fits perfectly with the theme of the movie.

I thought the same thing last fall or whenever it was that I rewatched the movie. The movie was fine (I spent most of it thinking how weird it was that James Caan of all people was in it) but I remembered the series as being a great exploration of the world the movie had built. But yeah, probably better just

As bad as Iron Fist was, the second season ended super strong IMO. Colleen Wing as the new Iron Fist on the streets of NYC with a freaking glowing sword and Danny and Ward finally reconciled and off having silly adventures overseas as brothers.

As someone who recently rewatched some SeaQuest DSV, I urge you to let live in splendor in your memory.

Gaza is a textbook example of a pre-ww2 style ghetto which is now being leveraged into full scale ethnic cleansing. What else do you call over 8k dead children killed by indescriminate bombings in less than three months, those who remain being starved to death, with absolutely no way of escaping the area? Ppl seem to

She takes the high road, Israel bombs the low road.