Jean Mahfouz

I have not been tracking news about this at all, certainly not casting news, yet knew instinctively “they gotta get Jeff Goldblum to play the Wizard.”

If someone is delivering results, they can usually get away with just about anything. At least until there’s some line out there that they cross and then it all comes tumbling down. But where exactly that line is depends on who they are, who they’re abusing, the internal culture of the company, and whatever the

Isn’t it well known that most large universities have a large school-wide ceremony as well as numerous smaller ones for the respective schools and institutions within the university system? The article is clear - students walked out of Seinfeld’s commencement speech, as a means of protest and generating attention for

Are you trying to make the point that he isn’t a fair target for criticism or protest? He’s an open supporter of a military force that has slaughtered 30K people and his wife was bragging about funding the goons who attacked students at UCLA.

Lots of folks who have grown up/lived most their lives in heavily urban areas never bother to learn to drive. I had a good friend in college who didn’t get her driver’s license until the end of her senior year; she was born and raised in Queens.

Maybe America’s fucked up and this is one tell-tale sign IDK just spit balling here.

I agree with everything you said. But they’re “too big to fail”. I can’t envision a universe where the US government lets Boeing crash and burn, or holds them accountable in a meaningful way.

Legions of morons died to prove covid didn’t exist/wasn’t a big deal, as a show of faith in their golden calf/idiot god. A finger is nothing.

best I can do

You’d think, right? But it feels like a story that’s been conveniently forgotten about, and at this point it’s pretty clear there are different tiers of justice in this country.  

Yea I’m hoping that doesn’t get buried or forgotten about. I was a genuine fan of the guy and his will to just follow his nerdy heart’s desire to get these projects done and shape them in the way a true RPG and comic nerd like myself would.

If Segel is a smoker then he’s a good guess. I dated a smoker once upon a time and “like kissing an ashtray” are the exact words I have used to describe the experience.

I’m a little over my skies here as I too don’t really follow football but Brady worked for the Patriots organization for... decades? A long ass time. And in that time Brady and Kraft made each other a lot of money. Crazy as it sounds, Brady probably considers Kraft a friend, and Kraft probably appeared there as a

They probably don’t like reminding people that

He was on his way back to his home planet when he died, as I understand it.

Thanks for sharing. Sounds completely on brand. It’s buried in the greys but I shared this somewhere else in the thread — I grew up in North Jersey and remember hearing rumors in the 90s — when Spacey’s career was ascendent but his sexuality was still an unknown — that, during his Broadway tenures, Spacey would

Link? Would be fascinating to hear this, especially from Pollak, a master storyteller. I did see a claim from Gabriel Byrne that shooting was derailed/delayed on the already tight shot because of “inappropriate behavior” on Spacey’s part, though Singer denied those claims. 

I think folks knew something was up w/ Spacey for a while though I don’t think folks really suspected the depths of it. I grew up in North Jersey and remember hearing rumors in the 90s — when Spacey’s career was ascendent but his sexuality was still an unknown — that, during his Broadway tenures, Spacey would occasiona

I almost feel bad for her in that I think she came up in a time/place within the industry where that kind of behavior was SOP until all of a sudden it wasn’t. And she probably had to grow an extra thick skin and sharp elbows because yea, she was unfairly pilloried that first go around with her sitcom. It also probably

I... kind of can’t blame them? There’s been a not-insignificant, persistent and vocal contingent of neckbeards and “cool girls” who have been shitting all over Swift for years now, downplaying her success and talent at every turn because apparently the things women care about, especially young women, is dismissed and