Jean Mahfouz

Seems like an easy PR win to bring them on in some kind of consultancy basis. And the grant thing is a good idea.

Blair Witch remains the single greatest moviegoing experience of my life, full stop.

If only British citizens had the first amendment to protect them!

And there you have it. A thoughtful critique of Taylor Swift’s work. It can be done! Not with “dur girls are stupid and like stupid things” or “Taylor isn’t important and doesn’t matter” or “this isn’t art”. Actually listening to the work and providing a nuanced response.

This looks great. Whether Shyamalan can execute remains another question — the man has killer hooks but is hit-or-miss on delivery. I am cautiously optimistic, frankly given Hartnett’s*  involvement even more so than Shyamalan’s.

I found the book Annihilation to be superior to the film, primarily because of the film’s ending.

Oh no, not the “your comment is simply much too long and complicated for me to understand” bit!

She’s talking about art Taylor Swift.

Which part is true?

ain’t I a stinker? 

I say she’s sneering at it. Jean Mahfouz. This is my user name, the one that appears over the words “Why is that something to be sneered at?”, because I can read, both text and subtext. I hope this is helpful to you.  

Please point to the part of my comments in which I say she says a safe space for girls is a bad thing. She’s clearly inferring it, but if this is the game you want to play, sure.

Sorry to be “that guy” but what exactly does FAST stand for? Seems bad journalism to not spell it out in the first instance (unless it was and I somehow missed it, in which case, my bad).

Isn’t having a “safe space for girls” important? Why is that something to be sneered at?

The facade is over. He’s a fucking carnival barker who was born into wealth and lucked into more. He merits attention not because he has anything brilliant to say, but because he believes himself to be brilliant and will act on that belief in unpredictable and potentially destructive ways.

I liked her. Her character anyway. It was fun and also empowering to see a physically strong woman who wasn’t built like some ballerina ninja waif but could actually hit like a MACK truck and IRL wreck most dudes. I was genuinely excited for Rangers of the Republic — I’m also big fan of Kim’s Convenience and was

I believe he was in the news about a month or so ago vehemently insisting he definitely did not have cancer and was in perfect health.

I was in high school social studies class when the principal came on the PA to interrupt everyone’s classes to announce the verdict. It’s difficult to describe how fucking obsessed the nation was with this trial. The perfect storm of the birth of the 24 hour news cycle at a time when we could still have some kind of

First season was great. But they couldn’t commit to the original premise, which I believe was supposed to be something of an anthology series. Second season should have essentially rebooted w/ (mostly) new cast/characters/narrative. Difficult to do w/ contracts and working actors but it can be done.

I’d like to know what exactly “extreme left” is defined as when people toss this term around, especially when they laughably use it to describe Biden or any other member of the current Democratic leadership.