Jean Mahfouz

I say this as an extremely liberal person who will gladly take a big steaming shit on MAGAts every chance I get:

John Cena — Clearly has a sense of humor. Both in general and about himself. So all this “alpha” bullshit is gonna roll off him like water off a duck’s back. Well played.

Agree. I think there was a time when shame could control these thugs but we’re way past that now. Trump basically unlocked a super-power for conservatives — shame-invincibility. Imperviousness to hypocrisy. They don’t feel it. It bounces off them like bullets bounce off Superman. Sexual assault, racism, bald-faced

The headline alone is going to make some weird coal rolling asshole very angry 

I guess I get a false modesty vibe from him; I feel like I’ve also just been hearing stories about him getting high off his own farts for years.  

Haha I’ve definitely heard that story, though I don’t remember if it’s from Paul or somewhere else.

I understand, from a business sense, why they went balls deep on the spinoffs. But as a fan, or admittedly a “certain kind of fan”, I just find it so boring. The story is done for me.

Stallone sounds like a next level asshole. He’s always struck me as one, both from the vibe he gives off as well as the numerous anecdotes I’ve heard. The Unspooled episode of “Creed” dives into this in an entertaining way:

They’re not going to answer that question, certainly not in good faith. If “low-information leftists” didn’t give it away, check out Prognosis Negative’s comment history. It’s all ranting about Arabs and pronouns.

Shot them while they were waving white flags. If that isn’t evidence of war crimes being committed on the regular, I don’t know what is.

Baked into Musk’s perspective is the inherent need to denigrate the media at every turn and opportunity, and serve the larger goal of shaping his own reality.

This show?

Their “Jewishness” is important because Glazer’s detractors have questioned his own “Jewishness”.

I’m Palestinian. I condemn Hamas for the attack that took place 6 months ago, as well as the extremist Likud and Zionist policies that created an environment where such a thing was inevitable, starting with Netanyahu’s “Help Hamas to Help Israel” strategy.

I worked with a guy in a wheelchair for a few years and on one mortifying occasion got to witness the incredibly awkward moment when he was waiting for the designated stall and another guy walked out of it.

There’s an article over in Slate about how conservatives are just now discovering that Larry David (both IRL and “Larry David” as portrayed on Curb) is liberal and they’re getting all pissy about it and my god these people are fucking stupid. The cultural illiteracy of these people knows no bounds. It is no wonder we

you can’t con an honest man 

How is this cowardice? It’s simply not the story he wants to tell. The movie is about the importance of truthseekers in a society that has violently torn itself apart. It’s a bigger, older, more universal story than what’s happening in the United States today IRL. But if he’d set it in 1970s Beirut or 1990s Bosnia or

This feels so obvious to me and I’m really shocked at how many people want a direct and applicable civil war simulation and are angry that’s not what this movie is.

Perhaps a footnote but also indicative who just who he is day-to-day, moment-to-moment. It’s like finding out he’s one of those guys who puts five one-dollar bills on the table when he eats out and tells the server that’s the tip and he’s going to subtract one dollar every time something he doesn’t like happens.