Jean Mahfouz

Guardians 3 was great and felt like the perfect way to wrap up the MCU chapter of my pop culture life as a fan. I can’t say I’m never going to watch another film/series but it definitely has been downgraded from “everything is must see” to “does this specific entry spark my curiosity?” because most of the recent stuff

I’m fine with AI in theory — as long as we either get 1) a federal jobs guarantee program or 2) a UBI. Shit, throw in universal healthcare while we’re at it. Then we can start living in a post-currency world like Star Trek or Jetsons or whatever. We’ll all have time to learn the trombone and play poker and drink Tea!

Musk is a great example of the “leader vs manager” dynamic. Putting politics aside — something he has frankly made impossible at this point — Musk was very good at the “leader” side of the equation: being an innovator and salesman and motivator. Being a visionary. But the mindset and skillset that make one a great

While I don’t think security/influence concerns about TikTok are completely unfounded, it’s wild to me that

Not looking to argue; there’s a big difference between using AI to recreate a voice and using it to isolate/clean up a recording. But it’s still worth noting that’s work a sound engineer would have done. Presumably, with AI that means either fewer engineers were needed or fewer hours were spent on the project.

I agree it’s arguably ethical.

I absolutely hated Bush; I didn’t think it was possible to hate a politician more than I hated him. And during the nadir of the Trump years, found myself actually missing him.

Dude, do you see what they’re doing to Jonathan Glazer, an actual Jew? An avalanche of genocide-apologists are stampeding forward to bury the man, including his own financiers, and he won an Oscar for probably the best Holocaust movie of the last 30+ years. Spyglass is not going to apologize, if anything they will

Rafael is from Canada

This looks lazy. Like if someone took that Blackberry or Tetris movie and just riffed until they landed on this.

Borat (the character) is a pretty offensive amalgamation of several cultures. SBC definitely knows the difference between, say, a Balkan and a Central Eurasian and a Middle Easterner... but he knew his primarily American audience wouldn’t, or at least wouldn’t care, and just kind of brewed stereotypes together into

This feels... beneath her? Like, she already checked the franchise box off w/ the MCU... I can only assume she’s being offered an absolutely mind-blowing sum of money for this.

Given SBC’s work on behalf of the genocide, it’s not surprising in the least that he’s a fucking monster.

It’s just shocking to encounter someone who hates women as much as you do, and take delight in their pain and suffering.

Thank you

I realize you’re a troll because you had the same toxic “cancer is karma” take regarding Olivia Munn’s recent health disclosure. Congratulations, it was so fucking stupid and cruel that I remembered you.

While I find the hounding after people — especially people dealing with serious health issues — to be abhorrent, the royals occupy a truly bizarre space that makes this fixation explainable and not unexpected. They’re essentially the first and most important reality tv stars. Their very existence is state sponsored

I’d read somewhere that the rumors were that she’d had a hysterectomy, and now the cancer diagnosis. It hits close to home for me. My wife had one earlier this year. No cancer was found, thankfully, but we’re not done — she’s due for a mastectomy later this year as well. All preventative.

“Even if the allegations in the affidavit are true, they don’t begin to justify what happened. At worst, Bryan Malinowski, a gun owner and gun enthusiast, stood accused of making private firearm sales to a person who may not have been legally entitled to purchase the guns.”

Same. I was frankly surprised they even kept him around for that.