
Thank you Charlie Jane Anders for doing him and his family justice with your obituary and reminding people Bowie was more than just a song writer but a man who has influenced western culture in many ways for many decades.

Cornwell rules.

I don’t think I mentioned race once (nope, I checked), and that hateful word won’t ever cross my lips or thoughts. But this is a perfect illustration of the classic leftist response to a valid opinion. Thank you.

I doubt I’d enjoy a beer with Obama. We’d have to meet somewhere large enough for his ego. The superdome is probably booked.

Guys, can I point out something? “Iran” is the Farsi pronunciation of “Aryan”. Iranians are “white”. Oh, sure, Persians have been conquered by Arabs enough times that they’ve picked up a darker skin tone, by and large- like Sicilians and Spaniards. Who are also “white”.

he does look the part, I like it.

Well he definitely looks totally awesome !!!

This review did not contain enough bear puns.

Am I the only one who feels like quite a few of these are stretching the definition of “science fiction and fantasy”?

She is truly a scary person. Lying right through her teeth, nothing she says or does can be trusted. We’re screwed if she gets elected.

I like to be on Jalopnik for cars, not politics.

At the same time, there’s something to be said for judging a work by the strength of its storytelling rather than your agreement with the philosophy the author holds or is trying to promote. IO9 seems to have a bad habit of praising anything it views as being made with its house definition of liberalism and trashing

If that guy was so great, why did he always publish his work hieronymously?

This is fucking AMAZING pencil work - this is the best Frazetta I’ve ever seen, I think...

For the record, it is NOT debatable. Frank Frazetta was the greatest fantasy artist of all time.

Oh, give me a break. You’re just as bad as the idiots who claim Obama has singlehandedly destroyed America. Reagan’s embrace of Christianity was an issue, but mostly not by him, but by those who followed him. Executive power grabs? Reagan didn’t come CLOSE to the level of power grabbing that Bush and Obama have done.


Yes, because it’s key to villainize Reagan for literally EVERYTHING, almost 30 years after his presidency ended.