
Star Trek III sucking is the first time I’ve agreed with Reagan.

Maybe he just enjoyed science fiction and didn’t feel the need to politicize something needlessly....

I absolutely love bellboy when it’s drawn by Mignola; his art just supports the atmosphere so very well. When someone else is doing the artwork it just isn’t the same...

Good point! Major Tom (or rather his skeletal corpse!) reappearing as an alien religious totem?

All the Muslims I know are liberal Democrats.

I’ve gotten 100% of the insight I need into your intelligence when you stated that “...they are treated for free due to the great universal free of charge healthcare system.”

Not bad for a country with 10x the number of firearms than those nations. Removing Chicago, NYC, D.C., and LA put our numbers closer to those nations than one realizes. A few areas which essentially ban legal ownership mind you.

The government protect you with what? Guns. So it’s a given the criminals will have guns. How could a situation where victims lack guns be any better than an identical situation where victims have protection? It’s a given the cops have weapons and the criminals have weapons. The space between is what counts. Do you

Switzerland begs to differ.

1) Allowing radical Muslims into a country in order to be “accepting, diverse, multi-cultural” is deadly

That was my thinking back when the movie came out. Too bad the movie was so poorly executed, it could have been a good parable for class warfare—but it just didn’t gel.

My favorite, still, is Blade Runner. A.I. was good too.

This isn’t ingenuity. It’s just random bullshit.

You, my friend, are what is referred to as agnostic. Atheism is the rejection of the possibility of a God. Agnosticism is not accepting a God, or believing in a God, but not rejecting the possibility. Most Atheists are Agnostics, because rejecting the possibility can be a huge hurdle to get over.

You’re an agnostic, not an atheist.

Yey! I liked Carrie Fisher’s advice to Daisy Ridley recently to not let them put her into a metal bikini. Hopefully she manages that. Feel like a lot of what people remember of Leia is “she wore a metal bikini” which does a disservice to rest of her character.

Looks pretty great! I’m looking forward to having a different type of comic-adaptation on television.

No GMO needed. Blood transfusions from young people can reverse the aging process in old people. Keep the money in the hands of old people and younger people poor and the obvious dynamic presents itself.

Sooner or later, vampire GMO humans will be commonplace

1) Can’t be bothered to read the rules