
Star Trek III sucking is the first time I’ve agreed with Reagan.

Maybe he just enjoyed science fiction and didn’t feel the need to politicize something needlessly....

All the Muslims I know are liberal Democrats.

I’ve gotten 100% of the insight I need into your intelligence when you stated that “...they are treated for free due to the great universal free of charge healthcare system.”

Not bad for a country with 10x the number of firearms than those nations. Removing Chicago, NYC, D.C., and LA put our numbers closer to those nations than one realizes. A few areas which essentially ban legal ownership mind you.

The government protect you with what? Guns. So it’s a given the criminals will have guns. How could a situation where victims lack guns be any better than an identical situation where victims have protection? It’s a given the cops have weapons and the criminals have weapons. The space between is what counts. Do you

Switzerland begs to differ.

1) Allowing radical Muslims into a country in order to be “accepting, diverse, multi-cultural” is deadly

This isn’t ingenuity. It’s just random bullshit.

1) Can’t be bothered to read the rules

I know, and honestly I’m not offended by racism against white people. I’m offended by the utter hypocrisy. A woman of color wrote a racist headline for a front-page entry on a popular blog - a blog that loves to criticize inequities of most kinds.

I’m honestly just advocating for a racism-free headline. I’m sorry that’s unacceptable for you.

I find it so lopsided...
If this was done and the article had “blackest photo ever” we’d have an uproar but here in the comments people are just trying to come up with clever new stereotypes... sad

We need to have terms for “blackest pictures,” too. I want to see headlines like “IS THIS THE MOST GHETTO PICTURE EVER?” Maybe “CHING-CHONG LOL” for the Asians.

I was thinking WASP or some variation of that too. But here’s the rub, it wouldn’t work for this pic because everyone in that pic is Catholic and not Protestant. We need something that will cover every rich white person, Protestant or not.

Am I the only person to acknowledge the fact that Obama pulled troops out of Iraq and a few months later ISIS took over? Or is this still Bush’s fault? You have to admit that Bush would have kept troops there and ISIS wouldn’t even be a word.

Obama lies with impunity. Yet his administration allowed ISIS to form and establish itself. Hope and change.

I did it on roller skates with a weasel in my pants.

My dad pulled me through there in a Radio Flyer back in the 80’s.

Stop acting like a YouTube commentor please. Jalopnik is above that level