I suspect The X-Files will be back (again) in a few years with some episodes that try to bring actual closure. (...) It’s hard to imagine the episodes would focus on anything but wrapping up the remaining loose ends of the series’ mythology...
I suspect The X-Files will be back (again) in a few years with some episodes that try to bring actual closure. (...) It’s hard to imagine the episodes would focus on anything but wrapping up the remaining loose ends of the series’ mythology...
I have yet to watch the finale, but the writing in this new season was overall pretty bad.
I wanted to believe it’d be different, but that’s not what happened last night.
I’m super not getting what insufferable thing Taylor Swift did here.
God forbid someone mourn a death around here. Or are we all supposed to hateful, toxic assholes?
Keep drinking the kool-aid bro
That’s the trouble. There aren’t any decent opposing candidates anymore.
Hillary broke the law. Shes a lawyer, secretary of state, spent 8 years on the white house, and was a senator, wife of a governor. She damn well knew what she was doing. Not to mention her shady donation trail to the “Clinton Foundation” while she was secretary of state from states that have huge human rights issues.…
When you say “another industry” you’re talking about the empire known as Clinton Inc., right?
More than a few conservatives are quaking in their boots over the prospect of Hillary Clinton, in their mind the devil incarnate, becoming our next president.
Hillary should be in prison. If I’m donating money to ensure that her lying, corrupt criminal ass doesn’t get elected, I would donate to Bernie Sanders, who's running against her before I pay for this stunt.
I don’t think I mentioned race once (nope, I checked), and that hateful word won’t ever cross my lips or thoughts. But this is a perfect illustration of the classic leftist response to a valid opinion. Thank you.
I doubt I’d enjoy a beer with Obama. We’d have to meet somewhere large enough for his ego. The superdome is probably booked.
This review did not contain enough bear puns.
She is truly a scary person. Lying right through her teeth, nothing she says or does can be trusted. We’re screwed if she gets elected.
I like to be on Jalopnik for cars, not politics.
Star Trek III sucking is the first time I’ve agreed with Reagan.
Maybe he just enjoyed science fiction and didn’t feel the need to politicize something needlessly....
All the Muslims I know are liberal Democrats.
I’ve gotten 100% of the insight I need into your intelligence when you stated that “...they are treated for free due to the great universal free of charge healthcare system.”