
The problem is where does this all stop? Is it okay for a black actor to play a Norse god? Is it acceptable for a Japanese actor to play a Chinese character? How about a Cherokee actor playing a Lakota warrior? A German playing a French hero? Or how about all these British/Australian/Canadian actors playing American

I was a huge fan of Frazzeta when I was growing up. He inspired me when I was a struggling artist. I even remember the reproductions of his art on the sides of vans. No one was cooler than Frazetta. I still love his work and feel bad that he doesn’t get the respect from the art world that he deserves. BTW, I went on

Excellent work CJA. Like always.

I completely agree.

I will miss you here, but will follow you elsewhere. This site will never be the same without you. Good luck.

“slower than a Bergman film”

Excellent. Bowie is still a master.

Excellent work.



This is an excellent idea!

I gave this stupid show a chance but it just got too annoying. I can’t believe it hasn’t been cancelled.

Just a note- the Affordable Care act isn’t affordable without taxpayer subsidies, and there are more unemployed Americans now than when Obama took office.

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

No. Plus Ryan is a Catholic. Neither are WASPs.

You missed the point. I never said that the photo was racist, I said that the title had an anti-white vibe. Would it be acceptable to show a photo of Obama, the first lady, and their daughters, with a title that read: Is This The Blackist Picture Ever?

Thank you for such a well thought out and articulate response. I am not a fan of Republicans in general and Ryan in particular, I just don’t like the anti-white vibe from the headline question. Obviously all whites are not bad. They are not all Republicans or WASPs. If the website wants to go after Romney and Ryan,

Correction: They’re Mormons and Catholics.

So if you show a photo of Obama and his family, would you run a headline that says- Is This The Blackist Picture Ever?

While I agree with you on principle, do you really know them well enough to generalize about them? BTW, they’re not WASPs, they’re Catholics.