Maggoty Bread

You are encouraging people to commit crimes potentially treason all to score points for you unpopular ideology...”This is War” Indeed!

Only the countries run by shitheads need be frightened.

Picture of the Arizona State Scientists proposing this idea...

Where is Kevin Smith when you need him? His take on this would be gospel.

This is what you get for doing business in a state like California. This could spell the death of at least Tesla brand electric cars. The margins are just not there to cover overpaid union workers.

I watched this whole thing play out; this is not so much about shitty infrastructure but shitty academic engineers that are all book knowledge and completely devoid of common sense and critical thinking skills. From the original repair of the spillway to being completely clueless on the specifics of the dams design.

Typical anti-Semitic leftist.

Revolution: Worst piece of crap but like watching a car wreck

This land was previsouly Public land now thanks to Obama is becomes essentially private limited use land.

Government knows best..

“Obama’s abusive government land grab removes public land from fair use”

You wouldn’t know a fascist if they loaded you up in a cattle car...*hint: See Turkey.

Freedom isn’t free...

Thats why he will come to jalopnik to read all about them? The lefts arrogance knows no bounds; you assume everything and know absolutely nothing.

More apt headline...Dictator Dictates...

You version of history has no basis in reality and is filled with mythos.

You should always give a bully your milk money..thats smart diplomacy.

You are a naive and gullible dumbass....China thought they captured spying technology and had proof of American aggression once they realized they had nothing they back pedaled. This is brinkmanship plain and simple.

The title reminds of all the hypocrits that praise shitty work by low skilled people because they don’t want to be perceived as negative....Lucky enough i am bound by honesty not hypocrisy....this is not a “Cool” knife this is total shit.

California! Uber Alles! California UUUUber Alles!