Nice bigoted hit piece good thing thing you are not pretending to be a journalist. You obviously have some pent up hate you need to deal with.
Nice bigoted hit piece good thing thing you are not pretending to be a journalist. You obviously have some pent up hate you need to deal with.
Typical leftist, elitist snobbery! step out of your bubble once in a while.
What a shame Foxtrot Alpha use to be a pretty decent site. Not its just another left-wing blogger myopic.
Gawker was to Journalism as Creationism is to Darwinism.
Oh an one other thing...this can and will be construed as an attempt to subvert a legitimately elected government...good luck with that.
You are encouraging people to commit crimes potentially treason all to score points for you unpopular ideology...”This is War” Indeed!
Typical anti-Semitic leftist.
Thats why he will come to jalopnik to read all about them? The lefts arrogance knows no bounds; you assume everything and know absolutely nothing.
Ssshhh! talking sense to government agencies just confuses and befuddles them.....Just Smile and wave.
87' IROC z with t-tops and ground effects red...i would wear a mullet for this car...
Lay off the whippets Ashley you might still be able to save yourself from your obvious delusion.
Either way, in a few month’s time a historically unprepared administration that’s already been shunned, alienated...
I agree, on a side note i don’t know anyone that would not say good (for whatever cause celebre of the day even if the disagree) as long as they or the powers that be are not taking from their cup to fill their own as has been the case with recent movements.
That is the look of are not familiar with it becasue you have never seen it on your own face.
No, i just had a typing fail...Meant to ask you if you actually think the people that voted for Trump are everything you think Trump is or at least believe thats is ok to be “racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynist, ok with sexual assault, xenophobic and more”?
.....they don’t give a shit and are okay with racism, sexism, homophobia, misogyny, sexual assault, xenophobia and more.
Next time try having more dead people vote democrat.
When that day comes let me know...
Please! start a petition! a GoFundMe! I would contribute to that idea the west coat is the gooch of America.
And don’t forget President Obama who has put this country so far in debt that we will never get out of it.