Maggoty Bread

Let me ask you the no fly list a database? or really just a piece of paper with names on it.....

Ssshhh! talking sense to government agencies just confuses and befuddles them.....Just Smile and wave.

87' IROC z with t-tops and ground effects red...i would wear a mullet for this car...

Thats becasue everyone (left and right) knows he is a grade a douche bag.

Russiagate fake’ve been had

Your excellent point is lost on the crowd that frequents this site. You will never get past their alternate reality bubble.

Who polices that? The elitist propagandists on the left of course! at least that’s who has been doing it.

In any case it’s a moot point because I support policies that reduce our reliance on fossil fuels in favor of renewables for a variety of reasons from the probability of man-made or man-accelerated climate change to long term financial stability to national security interests.

Republic...look it up! also look up Tyranny of the Masses(what you are ignorantly advocating) while you are at it.

Fixed it!

Thats complete and utter horseshit my mentor in Unix Craft is black. He was hired because he was supremely qualified not because of his skin color. I work with a lot of Indian folks as well for the very same reason.

More population and better weather detecting technology = more tornados.

What i find astounding is that isn’t a way to block it at the calender software level or at least delete the invite without declining and confirming your legit email with the spammers. I have copied the invites to another calendar and then deleted the calendar as someone suggested.

....Which was totally avoided when trump was elected...Democrats built the biggest rights sucking government bureaucracy that with any luck will finally get cleaned up.

So we removed the main superstitious aspect of our culture(Religion) only to adopt another even more posionous one that being Political correctness where even those most mundane language is offensive. People need to get a thicker skin or do us all a favor and curl up and die already.

I am sure your name will be at the top of that list....

ala carte channels or die!

Looking for a single comment thread on * that doesn’t include some negative reference to the new POTUS....Trump derangement syndrome has already set in...

Canadian leaders had a much warmer relationship with the late Cuban dictator.

So they can make a dog food that leaves little or no residue (aka shit) behind but they can’t do the same for Humans?