Maggoty Bread

The exact same thing was said and implemented in North Korea...

This is your limited point of view which has no basis in reality...wait are you Russian?

This is great for those that want to live in the human zoos that are cities.

Lay off the whippets Ashley you might still be able to save yourself from your obvious delusion.

Perhaps the Ice Age is finally over....

Either way, in a few month’s time a historically unprepared administration that’s already been shunned, alienated...

You and Snowden must be the best of attracts like.

Superstitious symbolism lives on.....

“We’re better than that.”

....killing a large of fairly poor white rural militias

If there were it would have already been used against Barrack Obama.

I agree, on a side note i don’t know anyone that would not say good (for whatever cause celebre of the day even if the disagree) as long as they or the powers that be are not taking from their cup to fill their own as has been the case with recent movements.

Violated his warranty and didn’t even show us how to add an SSD :/

That is the look of are not familiar with it becasue you have never seen it on your own face.

No, i just had a typing fail...Meant to ask you if you actually think the people that voted for Trump are everything you think Trump is or at least believe thats is ok to be “racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynist, ok with sexual assault, xenophobic and more”?

.....they don’t give a shit and are okay with racism, sexism, homophobia, misogyny, sexual assault, xenophobia and more.

I don’t want my children living in Mark Zukerbergs twisted fantasy of what the world should look like. We will stay firmly rooted in reality thank you.

We have this thing called “State Government” run by the people that live in those “states” which would take over where the Feds have failed.

YOu see how well that worker President Obama...

Gut it? it should be abolished outright like so many three letter agencies that serve no other purpose but to employ otherwise unemployable public sector workers.