Maggoty Bread

Because there are no 1%ers in the democrat party.... oh wait! those are the ones that want to strip us of our rights and enslave us to government.

yeah? mine too..

really? gay no such thing as a gay moose? say it ain’t so!

Should have took the offer.

This accounts for one single outcome in regards to a warming earth that being drought only because it fits squarely in the alarmists propaganda of “we are all gunna die! AHHHHH!”. More likely is that the equatorial zone will get larger and warmth loving varieties will slowly march northward yet again.

Wes are you a Reptilian Alien? You can trust me..

Um, its Reptilian Alien the ones living in their base under Denver International Airport? Duh!

Meaningless to someone with a shallow total comprehension and apparent small amount relevant life experience as demonstrated by your comments. Perspective changes everything.

Female Transformer...more than meets the eye.

Technically (as i understand it) they are only seeing the light(Electromagnetic Radiation) passing through the molecules.

Humans are not part of nature?

Its about time the earth gets reverted back to its natural warmer state...the ice age is finally over.

Linkedin becomes the new R.I.P. Linkedin.

Play Anywhere initiative which will let user buy Xbox games and play them on Windows 10 machines

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder...anywhere i can enjoy the outdoors with a beer in hand gets my vote.

The main mistake made by those that see AI as a potential threat is the assumption that Human Intelligence is the only form of intelligence. I feel its ignorant to think that any AI would (if not programed to do so) automatically manifest the basic biological instinct of self preservation; where i think most negative

If she only had a chin....

I hope they are using a heavy lift body to put some type of orbital kinetic weapon system for either ground targets or anti-satellite purposes.

I have swam in the Persian gulf during the summer in Kuwait and it was almost body temperature that was 13 years ago. Nothing new; this is just plain ass shitty ship design.