Maggoty Bread

I saw the word “Funny” and expected funny but got dumb instead.

Leftist dictionary:

Welcome to my house!

Nice Hot Take.

If you are working for Gawker you will be the furthest away from Journalism you can be.


Some peoples “Art” is what other people call crap. Try Harder!

Maddie Stone: “Here Alissa, post this make is seem like you wrote it”

Racism, homophobia, <any>ism?

I donate computer time for World Community Grid Zika project. Its not much but i like to think it helps.

This would be something i could get into!...problem is being 6'4" 320Lbs i would need a car spring to bounce around on...

More likely they are studying ways to defeat GPS jamming in order to ensure on target ordinance delivery.

35 years ago creeps used candy...

Said the Mosquito to the Human.

Pacific Rimjob 2...who though a sequel was a good idea?

They would have been better served by hiring the “Dude! you’re getting a Dell” guy.

I can see these dongles being a boon..

Once a douche bag always a douche bag.

People forget what drives the whole trek universe that being a limitless supply of energy derived from an anti-matter matter reactor that ultimately eliminates all human survival needs. That and humans suddenly not behaving like humans....poof! Utopia!

I left mainly because it became too liberal! pot law, retarded guns laws, Coloradocare etc.... the crazys have left their reservations; mainly Boulder and Metro Denver and inflicted their oppressive stupidity on everyone statewide via one of the dumbest group of people ever to be elected to the state legislature and