Maggoty Bread

Spoken like a rigid academic, non-sentient entity. There are no rules for thinkers.

Thats becasue people that can give two shits about the east coast automatically think of New York city when people say “New York”.

Just don’t move to Texas! not unlike Colorado(where i recently managed to escaped from) most of California is already here. Besides nearly everyone here has a gun(even the liberals) won’t fit in.

Onward Floppy disks! (with antenna) to Alpha Centauri!

i have been through the “10-mile Gotthard Road Tunnel” its impressive and seems like forever underground; can’t image 57km.

Viva Liberty! oh wait never mind that’s old school France.

Well i have three Masters and two Phds and can shoot lighting bolts out of my ass! because i can be whomever or whatever i want on the internet just like you. quaint.

We had a drought and our prayers for rain were answered.

Forecast this morning for today in Austin was 30% chance of rain scattered thunderstoms...before noon it was 100% chance 1-2" expected. Weather people around here are about as good as anywhere else at predicting the weather.

Couldn’t be since all the fucked from California are moving here to Texas.

They are checking peoples genitals to make sure they go into the right bathrooms at the rallys. I mean, they are the experts in government when it comes to genitals.

And the men that survive behave like women...and the women like men.

I see the Climate bigots have arrived!

Thats becasue just like half a car is useless “Genius” is not everything or all encompassing.

An old belief about when there are surplus men is that a large war is on the horizon.

Personally, I’m looking forward to the day when I can order a cultured salmon roll without wondering if my fish was sustainably harvested, or a McDonald’s quarter pounder without imagining the sorry life of the animal it came from.

Priorities; lets get them jobs first then maybe they will have time to worry about less important issues.

I installed LED light bulbs in my house...of course its not because i wanted to reduce my carbon footprint but because i don’t like paying for electricity.

Socialist Government; sounds about right.