Maggoty Bread

This is why you exterminate ISIS like the cockroaches they are.

Simple, he envies the power Emperor Palpatine had so he role plays Emperor Obama as often as he can.

“conservative chest-thumping”

based on how ARK is currently developed this explains a lot....Grade A d-bags all around...

A solution waiting for a problem....can you say over engineered?

Best idea? level it and build affordable housing in its place then give away bus passes to parks say in Yonkers.

So now i can’t believe anything i see now...not like i did before but damn!

Just like cell phones....cancer!

No way this ends badly for us.

Thats an idea!

Not saying it hasn’t been done but yes thats my understanding its the most cost effective way of manufacturing engines. Machining would be hella expensive for anything other than a racing engine assuming you had a design that would support it.

More proof the Apocalypse is upon us....

Cast actually and most often sleeved which would work very well for a 3D printed engine block.

I find this hilarious! What the hell did they think would happen? World Peace and understanding?

I was to see the version that includes all the deleted scenes maybe just maybe i could kinda like the crap that was the original cut. This movie was one of the worst edited movies in recent memory and those that editied it should change careers.

I took a tour of the facility when I was in middle school. It's impressive but not near as cool as it was portrayed in movies; it's very much a generic military installation.

Yep, you can’t grow it outside at least where its visable. Greenhouse is ok but decorative garden herb it can’t be.

The one incident that doesn’t deserve a movie...9/11 movie nah!

Can’t prevent it, Our society is already in partial collapse its hard to say just it will play out so. I stick to the basics food, water, and defense i will re-evaluate when it metastasizes.

Is this not an argument for intelligent design?