Maggoty Bread

They have a lot of faith in the materials the slack line is made out of. Safety lines do nothing if it snaps.

The question is what serious business doesn’t want to move out of anti-business and over regulated California?

Its required reading for my kids..part of their Jedi training.

Oh sorry! thats 40480 yards.

Your simplistic world view is cute. Everything you may have learned in college from your Marxist professors just keeps getting regurgitated you really believe that stuff? After what the UAW did to Detroit and the American Auto industry? The only reason any cars at all are made in America is because of right to work

Yes comrade...yes under the lefts leadership and with warm fuzzy feelings in our heart onward to Communism!

No miller High Life? or Michelob?

Tea party? LOL You are too funny! Antiquated and Cliche ideas for an antiquated and cliche person. The future is not unionized labor comrade.

So We Agree They Were Successful...Tell Me Again Why We Need Labor Unions In Modern Times? Besides Guaranteeing Lazy Ass, Otherwise Worthless People An Over-Paying Job And Destroying Manufacturing In This Country?

So union dues are no cost?

Ever hear of Labor Laws?

This one of the worst things that can happen to electric cars ensuring they remain play things for the rich.

Forgot the raw egg...

I was in Kuwait last time this happened..was pretty cool to look up into the night sky and see a noticeably red dot.

The most dangerous thing about these vehicles is that the steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car!!!

Know what the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution is? Might want to do some research! Look up the definition of despotism while you are at it as well.

its Mög

I agree, originally from Colorado (105F) I have trained at Ft. Irwin in July(115F), had my first Texas summer(101F) none of which compares to the year i spent a year in Kuwait...(125+). That being said you do get used to the heat pretty quickly whereas in colorado i would only wear a heavy coat when it was below 20F

For your sake lets hope not what other chicken little topic would you write about?

Um yeah...thats my didn’t per chance here a whooshing noise directly above your blonde head?