Maggoty Bread

The High Park Fire was the worst! Living east of the fire with only a swamp cooler to cool my house it was suck smoke into the house or swelter in the heat.

Now we know what western MSM does here in the west..Amaze left-wing Fascism!

Apple died with Steve Jobs look to see the return of Beige Macs.

Isn’t it obvious? like the Sun rises Forests burn; its something that can easliy be accounted for in any pipeline design e.g. the trans-alaska pipeline bisects the same type of boreal forest.

The Loc-Nar?

And a predictable fire changes that how?

Scientific thinking and belief are two different things.

I will disagree that subsidies can be used for good. When it comes to private enterprise in a free market; if as in this case a product or company needs to be propped up because of lack of consumer demand or bad pricing then its doubly perverted.

How can you get a Colorado tax credit if you don’t pay taxes in Colorado?

So your argument for subsidies is “everyone else is doing it!”? how about no subsidies for anything!

We sold out and left to greener pastures, lower cost of living and less total fucking idiots(like nearly everyone that has moved there in the last 5 years)

Like all subsidies the money will have to come from somewhere; this is a rob Peter to pay Paul scheme and will primarily benefit the wealthy.

Glad i don’t live there anymore... pay for electric cars for the rich no thanks.

They are fining google because they have mounds of cash. This will be a nice boost for the EU bureaucratic machine in Brussels.

Ronald Reagan was a great president Barrack Obama is just some guy.

Its a bet you would lose....

Equal to what exactly? perhaps Commonly Accepted cultural Norms(Folkways and Mores)? Honestly i can give two shits what the cultural accepted norms are in other cultures. Makes no difference to me who am i to tell the Sauds how to live? Or the Indians how they should marry; forcing my culture on to them.

DUH! an Irish Spring Commercial! “Clean as a Whistle!”

Reminds me of the patriotic hymns of the DPRK!

Its bullshit when its not your child.