Maggoty Bread

They named a school after a sitting president....cult of personality indeed!

Pot meet kettle, The most racist, hate filled and angry people i know are leftist pretending they aren’t becasue of special snowflake syndrome.

Because you are confusing cultural norms with laws and legality. There isn’t a law that says i can’t drop a deuce in the ladies room. Applying laws governing minority protections wrongly to force women to allow me to stink up their bathroom violation commonly accepted cultural norms is by its very nature a violation

A wifi mesh network exiting in the TV signal bands would virtually eliminate the need for last mile hard wire providers; just like cell phones destroyed land lines. Government Deregulation does this

Backyard scientists should be careful lest they want to attract the attention of the BATF. Destructive devices are regulated.

I prefer to drink my gold leaf in Goldschläger

How do we know Dwarves live on this planet?

Looks like a river to me.

or they have compromised it and are seeding terrorist users.

Sounds like DayZ Stand Alone....

Anthopology is “Junk Science”

What exactly are you afraid of?

Not really, since it doesn’t show the number of weather stations gathering temperature information. if in 1850 there were 40 and 2016 there are 10,000 which is probable means this data is meaningless and untrustworthy i.e. just more propaganda.

Think he will nope 51% or more of Facebook users? Yeah no...

What it they are right?

Give them an inch and the will take a foot...and keep it. They won’t remove the restrictions regardless of drought conditions because now they know what people are willing to give up or put up with this is exactly what is meant by “tyranny in government”.

Anything with Lemon Eucalyptus stuff works great!

Anything with Lemon Eucalyptus stuff works great!

Its called GetMe...Who exactly are Uber and Lyft punishing other than themselves? Pretty Dumb.

Its an easy choice really his name is Captain America NOT Captain U.N.

Reminds me of the buzzbomb launches by the Germans during world war two.