Maggoty Bread

Remember when the muppets were funny? I do...R.I.P. Jim Henson

If its Autonomous Vehicles and human operates vehicles in other words if its something that augments public transportation then i don’t have any issue with them. If the intent is to replace all human operated vehicles with self driving vehicles then i have a huge problem with that; I will fight for the right of free

Do nothing Congress doing what it does best.

You win.

You are right i wouldn’t have any problem responding to your point. Why should i waste my time on a squishy ideologue such as you? There is no way i am going to change your mind or even bring you to correct thinking. You are the typical left-wing living in a bubble that would abdicate all your rights to government and

You are about as confusing and complex as an empty water bottle.

In the form of Chinese Super Soldiers? becasue you know thats all the Chi-Coms want from this.

“Climate change bit my finger!”

Good luck at your new job...whatever that will be.

Don’t ever leave the house Wes! You might stub your toe!

*See: AGW

Wait. and. see.

Global stats are a meaningless since individual countries are not responsible to feed the citizens of other countries.

STAR WARS: Huger Games!...weeeeee.

Minimum wage increases will take more jobs like these then any robot ever will.

This “Super Massive” Black hole pales in comparison to the Government Black hole my taxes goes into..never to be seen again.

Not if you are active, weight doesn’t matter.

Does it matter? I mean besides reinforcing your implied “America sucks conspiracy theory” attitude?

300 years ago it was being fat was perceived as being health and sexy. Today the opposite is true. Just being fat doesn’t mean you are diseased or even prone to disease just as being skinny is no free pass to avoid health problems. We used to physically work harder for our meals now we don’t hence the rise in obesity

I was waiting for Maddie to work in “We are all gunna die!” into this piece. Perhaps she doesn’t know about Gamma Ray Bursts.