Maggoty Bread

I wonder what the country of origin breakdown is? any and all food products from China in my household are banned.

Just wondering if its worth mining these nodules vs mining asteroids autonomously that could potentially be made up entirely of not so rare earths due to not having a chance to oxidize.

At least we have another choice not like Blu-Ray vs HDDVD. I will wait for the Vive 2.5 Wireless Lite model.

Its obviously Abraham for two reasons:

We just hired a guy who is originally from Africa not becasue he was black but because he was the most qualified applicant by a long shot. Perhaps qualifications have something to do with it?...nahhh!

I won’t hold my breath...unless i am in Beijing.

I smell another DeLorean in the works. If there any production delays from technical issues or supply problems they will be sunk.

Why am i indirectly helping buy electric cars for other people that i can’t afford myself?

Know what personal choice, personal responsibility and individual freedom is? Its documented very well in a couple of documents you should read...The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

Being “ripped” to that degree is unnatural and potentially unhealthy.

I am not talking about unrestricted unregulated free market sensible over site is a given. I am talking about privatized vs public economy in generic terms.

Divide and conquer works better when you are an outside entity and not part of the populous you are wanting to control. Removing free-market aspect of an economy and replacing it with government controls imparts direct control of any given populous in simple terms if you want to do business you have to go through the

Before WWII “No one is chomping at the bit to go and destroy Sweden or Finland.” Until Hitler did. Thats a ridiculous and outright dangerous mindset that “Getting Along” will secure your countries continued existence...Ask Neville Chamberlain how well that worked for his country. Its a well known fact that we are a

Where did the billions slated for transporation in the economic stimulus package go? besides the pockets of the Presidents friends that is.

Becasue they don’t have to spend money on defense...America dfeneds them. If they had to eat the entire cost of their own defense the Socialist Democracies of Europe would crater moreso then their failed economic system is doing so now.

This is not really wood, its wood pulp injected with plastic...still waiting for transparent Aluminum.

No one gives a shit about your leftist political bent so please spare us your polarizing political nonsense and just write good sci-fi.

Oh now we are bros? I will give you this you are a passionate sheep that doesn’t know when they are out classed or at least when to quit. What you are missing among your accusations about my adherence to conspiracy theories..huh?; which by the way i find extremely funny because it proves my point that you are nothing

You keep trying to make me into that person you need me to be in order to validate your own beliefs. People like you almost never wake up until its too late. I stated opposing ideas none of which are secret or obscure and your bigoted programming balked! that’s all that has happened....Run along back to your herd now.

So whats the solution government mandated diversity? That will just result in white flight. People with common culture or otherwise gravitate towards each other such as Chinatown(s) expecting anything different is just plain dumb and calling inequality is plain retarded.