Maggoty Bread

Holland felt the same way....not!

This is the information age! Anyone can be a scientist in this day and age! The exact same information is available to anyone that has the discipline to find it and process it no university required. You like many others are more comfortable being spoon fed your ideas and opinions rather than doing something hard like

The Republicans attempts to stop Trump is exactly why i hope he gets the nomination. Fuck those guys.

You are pretty sure of yourself just like those arrogant enough to believe they have an inkling on how something as complex as the earths climate works.

I can build a coal or gas plant anywhere and pipe fuel to it via railways or gas lines. I can’t however build Hydro, Geo or wind farms just anywhere; so again economic viability for the tiny percentage of people that within proximity of a river(good luck building a new damn), hot spot or windy area does not equate to

“cheaper per unit of electricity produced” != economically viable i.e. cost to implement + maintenance - subsidies.

Metal foam would be an ideal material to construct space faring ships from. We are long past due to build a orbital factory producing these types of materials where the are much easier to manufacture.

We are as “natural” as the next organism. We didn’t make the megafauna of the pleistocene go extinct nature did that her self. Just becasue we are around to witness an extinction event we are somehow responsible for it? Don’t be dumb

Declaring something a war crime against ISIS is a bit like trying to spray paint water...whats the point?

How many right-wing environmentalists do you know? How many left-wing free-market types do you know? Ideology be damned!

1. To technology that eitehr doesn’t exist is not economically viable without government subsidies or is so inefficient as to not even be considered viable.

No you are proletariat worker bee.

So tell me genius what would result if the west stopped all our CO2 output right this minute? besides rainbows and unicorns that is.

Blame the Marxist environmentalists screaming for the death of western civilization via economic seppuku. They have never presented a single reasoned idea to solve the problem they feel exists; just alarmist nonsense or everyone go back to wearing loin cloths and hucking spears at deer.

Just another AGW lemming looking for a cliff.

Whats old is new again...

Thats easy, Chinese anti-satellite kinetic weapon testing.

This is why i eat sushi as often as possible with my kids. Humans predictably will never come together on this topic and seafood will become the food of the ultra rich. “The World” doesn’t exist as a single societal entity and its extremely naive to think it ever will.

Year around Northwest Passage here we come!..Finally!

US with the help of Europe.....