Maggoty Bread

Its none of your business if someone is fat or not. if they can pay the premium then so be it.

It will be hotter and drier, with far less available space in which to grow food....

Its because hurricanes are racist..

Think of all the rain soaked!

We had over a 1000 to 1 causality rates in Iraq and Afghanistan Large armies mean squat compared to training and equipment.

Don’t know who all the awesome people that were part of the movie but i do know who wasn’ awesome writer and and awesome director. soon as Solar, Wind, Hydro were really to become a viable alternative...

Obviously that’s the top of a bronze age Cable Spool used a furniture..wheel..pfffttt!

I guess Volvo engineers have never owned a Toyota..

The US Government have just deemed these as unsafe as Kinder Eggs! Yah! regulation!

A woman that talks shit, gets her ass kicked fair and square then contemplates suicide becasue of said ass whipping? “Mess” doesn’t begin to describe her.

It was shitty? you must have seen a different movie!

I know its the popular group think right now but warrants are the lawful tool specifically created for the this purpose by us(the government) to enable our law enforcement agencies to enforce the law of the land. If there is a technical way for Apple to crack this phone or otherwise provide the contents then Apple by

Why are we having this conversation in 2016? Why legitimize the crackpots?

Um thats the Climate Change boogey man.

I propose a name change to El Gato and La Gata.

The French.....

God forbid something happens to someone these guys love and the FBI cracking a phone for information is the only solution to save them.

How can you ruin something that already sucks balls? I don’t even consider their reviews anymore they are so far off the mark.