Maggoty Bread

“I fought the law....” Apple is going to get punished badly over this one.

Our nation would be safest with the cardboard cut out as president but one of Chewbacca instead.

They should consider themselves lucky they are not being relocated to a mass grave.

That is the best summary i have read anywhere! How depressing....

Almost feel sorry for the guy...his humility lesson is going to be a very bad one i am afraid. :-(

$53 Million in Debt? See ya!

Providing for the common defense is a legitimate role for the government propping up industries that further an executive branch political agenda isn’t.

Sustainable “green energy” businesses don’t exist with out government subsidies. Since government doesn’t generate wealth the jobs etc.. you mention are made on the backs of taxpayers. Much like a perpetual motion machine it eventually all stops when it runs out of energy or money in this case. Oppressive government

The Gettysburg Address needs no response...that was the whole point of it!

TWD “Red Shirts” who else is surprised?

This rash i have? Global Warming!

Anti-consumer, anti-capitalist and anti-freedom Marxism for all. You accomplish that by creating a global boogey man. Its prediticable human behavior and has been done time and time again throughout human history to control populace. You have studied human history right?

Would be the nail in the coffin for the idea that was the American Republic. We are headed towards the end anyway, just had hoped my kids could grow up in a free society without the palpable oppression of government. That being said there are still millions of armed partisans that could either “refresh the tree of

Does it work? Yes? who gives a shit what it looks like.. its not Haiku

What they didn’t show written near the toilet.

Natural processes taking place in Tasmania != to a Global Tragedy. Verbiage and perspective is lacking here.....

You are exaclty right. Other than a handful of Astrophysicists the rest of the populace is just jumping on board the “Its cool because science is hip and i wanna be cool too” bandwagon. They just got off the Quantum Physics Higgs Boson bandwagon which is for squares now. Yah for Einstein! The singular genius of the 19

Globe != Tasmania

The only thing i had was dust on my records... i was so happy when Cassettes tapes became popular.

Spoken like a true Neanderthalophobe cavemanist!