Maggoty Bread

HEMP Attacked Colorado thats why i moved away...dirty hippies...

I wouldn’t worry so much about profitablity most companies run razor thin margins in order to avoid oppressive taxation.

Don’t you mean 20 plot points that end in a main character death? or go nowhere?

Some peoples hardcore star wars fans are others average Star Wars fans. The OP is correct; people that went to see a sci-fi movie were satisfied. Those of us regular Star Wars fans that went to the theater expecting a Star Wars movie were very disappointed not unlike J.J. Abrams Sci-fi movies with the Star Trek name.

$300 Billion to line the pockets of political allies, $4 Billions for administrative costs and $1 billion to rebuild a dozen bridges in Major Metropolisis.

How can i contribute my tax money to their space programs instead of the idiots at NASA that want to go to Mars.

Certain persuations of humans are pretty arrogant thinking they have mastered the earths climate. That idea alone pretty much assures that anything they do will just fuck up the planet more; these are some very bad ideas.

Summary: There are few women in tech because wait for it discrimination!..what a bunch of nonsense! each industry is going to have equal amounts of whomever based on the interest of those who want to work in the industry.

I have seen more dumb bomb unguided munitions dropped from helicopters and planes in these videos from the Russians than most WWII footage. I don’t think collatoral damage has ever been a concern of Russia.

In the end, we destabilized Iraq totally by invading it, ousting Saddam, and having poor planning as to what came next.

She had a long way to fall and unless she learns some new tricks any and all challengers will dominate her as well.

You can find anything you are looking for on the internet.

English not your first language?

Reminds me of the show i watched once that covered a small air to air missle with a nuclear payload used to destroy large formations of planes.

Thanks for your analysis Rand Paul.....

8GB of RAM should be a decent amount for any present and future gaming.

Private property ownership is a cornerstone of our constitution. Like anything in the constitution we can’t abandon it whenever its inconvenient. They own this land! either compensate them fairly or leave them alone and find another testing area. On a side note Don’t the Oath Keepers to be involved with problems like

Or the eagles have air to air systems that can target and destroy drones of any size while Tukeys F-16’s might not.


10 million million people? Not sure what planet it's headed too.