Maggoty Bread

“The World’s Food Supply Is In Jeopardy”

Not necessarily size can give away capability or at least show what is possible.

Making more poor people is not a position i can ever get behind for any reason real or made up.

Bozo the clown explaining everything you need to know about squirting flowers has more credibility. Bill Nye is a known shill for the left.

Tell that to a rancher that is trying to earn a living.

Duct tape is much it too soon?

Oh a good guy! My mistake!

This is my point, the farmland we are talking about is not well suited for food crops due to many factors such as shorter growing season, infrastructure and water limitations but is ideal for feed. That and there exists better and more profitable land to use for food crops which more than meets current demand despite

You need to add a bullet resistant vest.

Saying ain’t doing i am sure you will be holding your breath...i won’t be.

This lie never dies...its not a black and white issue as you would make it out to be. Cattle in the west make land that is otherwise useless for farming generate food. They are born and raised on these grazing lands and grain finished in feedlots with feed corn grown on land best suited for feed crops (Corn, Alfalfa,

Yes yes you are right! i am in “de-Nile” that Gizmodo is still a tech site rather than a mouthpiece for the current Populist group think.

Comparing Climate Change to World Wars...will the propaganda ever stop?

Right! because tractors used in farming vegetables run on Unicorn farts...

Becasue “Truths” differ.

A CS degree gets you in the door of most companies that are typically run by other academics(elitist good ol’ boys club). What you learn on the job is what makes you marketable and valuable. Coming from a self taught IT worked with a HS diploma who has worked side by side People with PhD’s in CS.

...because they’re all a bunch of inbred, gun-fucking hicks too stupid to interpret IP law, of course.

How can i contribute my tax money to their space programs instead of the idiots at NASA that want to go to Mars.

Judging by the majority that peruse this site that’s easy! Just pick any University derived “Rainbows an Unicorns” description of a Socialist Utopia (Like Global Norway) and save yourself some time.