Maggoty Bread

its obvious that you have thought about it and in my opinion that’s a reasoned belief that i can agree too. I feel the same actually that our activity is obviously affecting the atmosphere and may be boosting a natural cyclical warming trend(remember the dust bowl a hundred years ago?). The pieces i patently reject is

all that needs to be said.

Nailed it! the root of the environmentalist movement is Capitalism = Evil and needs to be destroyed. An idea that is a product of the 60ies counter culture movement and promoted in every single university in the world today. Its only about Political Power and subjugation of the masses.

Certain persuations of humans are pretty arrogant thinking they have mastered the earths climate. That idea alone pretty much assures that anything they do will just fuck up the planet more; these are some very bad ideas.

Some people see protest i see shoe liter. Why protest anyway, isn’t this Paris meeting exactly what the environmentalist left wanted?

You are so right! China has no responsibility in this at all! its the Wests fault! Hang all Westerners polluting China!

Its worth a shot debating people that believe as you do. At a minimum maybe it will help break through the thorough brainwashing people receive in College or best case spur some critical thinking.

There is no such thing at 100% evidence. No i don’t beleive 2 degrees of warming like they have claimed will cause the end of the earth. If anything it will trigger another global cooling event. More heat = more water vapor in the atmosphere = more of the suns (the real climate driver) energy reflected back into space.

It wasn’t one sided; the native americans used settlers to their own advantage against rival tribes.

There is nothing we can do to alter the current climate; its extremely arrogant that the elitists on one side of this agrument even think we can. Apocalyptic runaway climate change is a myth.

Thats the funniest thing i have read all day!

Click bait headline..anyone who believes that this meeting in Paris will some how save the world is pretty damn naive and gullible as well.

All i know is Ikeas parking lot needs to be about 3 times the current size.

No its not it more like Jet Air Liner vs. a Cessna.

Yes, a nice bit of induction probably fried the electricals in the vehicle.

Amaze Socialism!

Summary: There are few women in tech because wait for it discrimination!..what a bunch of nonsense! each industry is going to have equal amounts of whomever based on the interest of those who want to work in the industry.

Those are ants!

Hitlers idea of a classless Society has nothing to do with modern conservatism and everything to do with left-wing ideology. Its an often repeated lie that Fascism and even Racism is exclusivity right-wing. Fascism is alive and well on left wing University campuses that even as we speak are activity suppress

I love playing with gas...who needs eyebrows?