Maggoty Bread

Slim pickings on both sides....fair point.

Lots of extremely angry folks on that side.

Leftist = Negative hater.

I charge my oxybenzone sprayer with CFC’s to get an even coating.

reminds me of the Theodoric of York, Medieval Barber Skit from SNL.

Progress towards being a slave to government...You’re Welcome!

California has been unlivable for decades now not becasue of climate but becasue if the dumbass people that call it home.

Ask an ant.

Becasue warmer earth = all bad...<rolls eyes>

So no Hope and Change?

I reserve the right to be grumpy and not follow current group think. Its frighting to think that my fate would be in the hands of lesser people.

Kylo Ren Skywalker is lukes wayward son who kills Luke ala Obi Wan in the first movie causing Leia to cry.

LOL you are always good for a laugh Wes! Bernie is running as a Democrat becasue they are the current communist party; he is home. You might be happy with your minority leftist veiws being represented in government and candidates but i can attest conservatives have no representation at all anywhere. You can at least

Like protesting the Republican debates on the CU campus? you gonna be there with your tambourine and bongos?

These type of devices must be real popular in Europe.... with the drop in population(i.e. no new tax payers being created) that is going on.

You answered your own question twice...Hint: your assumptions are wrong.

....because people are just not that smart.

How would you find it if its hidden?

You forgot meat eating, hippie beating with gigantic brass know the people that protect the world.

Like work?...thats so boring...