Maggoty Bread

17. Don’t drive a Subaru

Luke has become the Master and Kylo Ren AKA Darth Ren is the predeictable...

Its your turn to ruin the world? well you have done a great job so far! Especially in the middle east.

Does it work with Apple Juice?

Its only completely unrelated to those that immersed in the said group think. Obviously you are way in over your head.

Worked for the Chinese and the English Romans....Amaze History!

Assyrian refugees?

No one picks a fight with Canada because its the backyard of the United States.

For those that trust scientists with their

I think projecting our very human insecurities onto something that quite possibly could exist at a non-human level is very panphobic.

quadripluficient super genius...i like the way that rolls off the tongue.

Place your bets now that 90-100% of whats contained in these decalssified reports is the same classified information that is in Hillary Clintons personal emails.

The problem with this basis is that any developed “Super intelligence” will possess the same weaknesses(Greed, survival instinct, ambition etc..) that humans possess; makes no sense at all.

Certainly, i agree with you whole hardheartedly! We are the same, just on other ends of the political spectrum.

For people that hate stereotypes liberals sure do like to use them on nearly every occasion. Sorry it gets old.

“How to protect yourself from the NSA”

American Soldiers are able to operate on 0 hours of sleep.

This is a product of an ideology that doesn’t have the first clue about how human nature works. That same ideology drives the current POTUS

This and Spanish Fly...Rats!

That will dry up very soon as the full impact of global misery catches up with the Western world.