Maggoty Bread

Thanks! cool footage of vintage attack hellicopters...dumb bombs from On CNN i watched some Tow I hits on a Syria armored column by some goat herders.

Never said that, what you are stuck on was a comment on the state of western military capability vs Russian capability the can’t compete.

I prefer my hops carmelized and roasted to perfection.

1. Agree with the current leftist group think and be an active player.

and i am glad people like you manage 7-elevens and don’t act as an advisor to anyone other that those buying nachos at 1 in the morning.

Q: How do you hide money from a hippie?

and who drives VW’s? Tree huggin hippies...the irony.

Thats a lie, most cattle are raised on land that is otherwise not arable. Same reason goats are so popular in third world countries.

Thats easy, the lava fields on the big island of Hawaii. An old ARMY buddy who was in hte 25th ID complained that the lava dust was so abrassive it would just eat boots and other gear in short order.

If Russia is truly interested in fighting ISIS why would they need systems such as these? Why do they need sophisticated AA? why do they hide their fighters under cargo plane flights to get them in country?

Fitting monument for an anarchist.

I hope they are right because being the exact opposite i hope to exist past the next major upheaval; less people makes that easier.

Now they just need to pickup the Chinese alphabet .com site to secure their Chinese interests.

Pete Townshend? is not just a british a rocker he is just the source of the greatest rock band to ever exist. I don’t believe he is or ever was a pedophile.

Far too expensive for a kids toy..pass.

Clinton’s ad ran during the Democratic primary season and was supposed to stir fear that Obama didn’t have enough experience in foreign policy and shouldn’t be trusted.

Just drive up Pikes Peak eat a donut and drive back down its the best way to enjoy mountains.

I have never seen pink Cheddar.

Why train your people when you can 3-D a print a their stance on pork...dumb.

At least in the South they are open about it, unlike the closet racist North.