Maggoty Bread

Who says they didn’t..

If you think bias is generation based you are mistaken. Prejudice is a built in protection mechanism; basic human instinct racism is something else.

Don’t eat the red M&M’s.....from before 1987.

I always love the people that espouse Diversity, but live in their insulated little mono-racial/mono-class communities. No one wants to live in a place where they don’t have anything in common with others in the community for the sake of “Diversity” racists not withstanding.

Its been done before it was named Digg.

Damn i think i found my new career...(just have to get the wife to sign off on it)

We have had materials that withstand the extremes of re-entry since when? the mercury missions? parachutes as well. I stand by my point that re-entry is the easy part, shielding the crew from 3 years or more of radiation with the current batch of ideas is going to be the hard part.

Troo dat!


Great NASA! we have a heat shield for atmospheric entry(the easy part)....perhaps we should work on the getting there part next.

Whew! Good thing i am not christian.

Pottery Nerd Alert!

Moose are Elk in Europe....

Why are my comments grey out of the gate on sploid?

There is a bore evaculator typically on the barrel(the bulge in the middle of the barrel of a M109) that keeps the crew compartment free of propellant gas..i am sure the Poles do the same. 13B King of battle!

I disagree there is no shortage of eco-hippies that work for nothing looking for a good hike.

its 155mm caliber cannon.

This again? Why not ask yourself why has instances of mass shootings increased in the past couple decades where previously they were almost non-existent with roughly the same amount of gun ownership. We don’t have a “Gun Problem” we have a failing society problem; violent death is just a side effect. Lets talk about

Are people meant to do work here? these renderings remind me of a Star Trek TNG Episode...the one with all the perfect blonde people.

R.I.P. The Anarchists Cookbook :-(