
Came here to say the same thing. The advanced tech of the robot would make it plausible that it is back tracking through time to find young Will and help the family. Because Will would want it to...

Also, time to point out that the POTUS is bragging about fighting a man over saying whatever vile and denigrating thing he wants about women.

Don’t give too much credit: it sounds like a simple cast change for this reality show event. Shaking things up for the second half of the first season.

Love all things Phoenix & Jean, and think it’s a bit off to say that without Phoenix, Jean will be ‘regular person’. Never gonna happen, and I couldn’t be happier about that.

With ya. I tried repeating his name. Why won’t he go away?

Are we 100% certain the Trump isn’t the distraction for Pence?

If I had to pick one, I think I would rather Ezekiel go, and Shiva team up with Carol.

We now have Eight and Eleven, so hopefully more of them will surface.

Please issue a correction: the adorable granddaughter is not the “diplomatic tool” in this story.

I’m finally 100% on board with this “drain the swamp” thing! I do think we need to play “hide the presidential pardon pen” so that the job can be completed properly.

Still struggling to find the deeper meaning of the title “Mercy”. Help?

Out of hand grenades, are we?

Exactly this.

The word we’re looking for is “complicit”.

I need to brush up. Did we decide that Vulcans are monogomous, or did they have plural marriages? Weren’t marriages largely arranged to keep power in/between families, so the idea of plural marriage, for men, might be the norm. Marry for power (Vulcan princess), and then marry outside (Amanda). Boys could be the same

Doesn’t involve these guys, does it?

Thank you for posting this response. I forgot to put up my shield before looking at the highlight (un)reel, and have been angry for hours.

Maybe the world has become numb to the word “slavery”. I suggest the more accurate phrase “human trafficking”.
