
So -a whiny Jedi Master? Is this what he taught Ben? Help me, ObiWan.

Zaphod:Concentrate on his name.

Don’t lump all white people in with Trump supporters. Inter-racial hate is destroying us, and we don’t need to encourage more. We are better than that.

Just more attention seeking.

Are the black veils for all the disabled and elderly that would die from lack of affordable health care under the current version of Trump’s health care replacement plan?

This is definitely helping my Friday gif party withdrawal.

I often agree with the viewpoint of the aliens and the robots, and tend to root for them in the movies. I suspect they haven’t wiped us out yet because they are waiting to see if we destroy ourselves, and they can move in with only a cursory de-infestation.

We could condense it for him! 140 characters or less:

Probably missed this somewhere, so mea culpa if a duplicate:

Time to double-check Pence’s record. It’s definitely far right, and far more consistent and organized. If he moves into the oval office, or has more pull with Trump, the focus of this country could get very intense very fast.

He’s doing better than I expected. I had money on President Pence at 6 months, my husband had 12. I get credit for 5 months until the chanting began, and he will get credit for the actual time it takes.

Actually makes sense. I’ve often thought Trump was there only to beat Clinton, and then streamline Pence in. I don’t think they expected this much controversy: it shed’s light on their plan instead of distracting from it.

Trump said he would change the way Washington is run.

Fortunately Uncle Donald is taping everything in the Oval Office, yes?

I would very much like a puppy from Lockjaw’s next sired litter, please.

At what point to Trump voters get embarrassed?

“Looked alright to me”

Get elected?

Elections are real? Not political “reality TV”?

Dementia is awful, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Even though I’m not a Trump fan, I hope not.