
“likes music”

Virgin plastics made from petroleum is still cheaper than recycled plastics. Contamination from food and dirt also adds to the cost of recycling.

Not only did he field the ball after the shortstop threw it away, he tagged third base as well. I think the Ori0les should sign him to a contract.

I’ve decided when it happens, I’m signing up for zombification early. Get in right when it starts, I’ll be on the fast-track to some comfy middle management role with no actual responsibilities, but an assistant or intern who’ll bring me brains and do my moaning for me. You suckers struggling to survive got it all

To be really sure we should thrown in the Veep too.

Watch the full interview below.

It’s a fascinating question.

Injustice is set in the World of Warcraft universe where shoulder pads = power!

A robot of unknown origin which feels inclined to protect Will Robinson?

Jsus, give me strength...

Katharine, I find the best way to watch Discovery is to assume it is set in the JJ Abrams Trek universe (the Kelvin timeline). This resolves most of the continuity issues:

1. The technology that is far more sophisticated than in TOS.

But It seems that Star Trek Discovery has decided that 51 Years of continuity doesn’t matter anymore

The disaster is terrible and all that, but i really love that nature just says “fuck that shit, its mine now”and reclaims it.

The other thing about Germany not having a bunch of Nazi statues is, uh, THE NAZIS WEREN’T TRAITORS TO THEIR OWN COUNTRY. The Germans resisted the temptation towards nationalism because of the atrocities committed by their countrymen fighting FOR their country. We don’t even have that. Not only can we not be bothered

Holy shit, the confederacy rebelled against our nation because they wanted to continue to own people. Their statues are monuments to men who were so dedicated to the right to own people that they rebelled against their government*. That’s not a heritage to celebrate.

Is it a hot take to say that erecting statues and memorials that suggest the Confederate cause was about a vague “southern way of life” and a philosophical difference over state’s rights do more to “erase history” than taking them down ever would?

Wouldn’t this fall under attempting to intimidate a witness/obstruction of justice?