
Was really hoping for a Krypton tie-in here.

Has Disney commented?

So sad. 2 steps forward, 100 back. Even though it is only a few, one has to ask “How can they protect and defend our country if they won’t defend and protect each other?”

Happy birthday!

Married 17 yrs this weekend: husband is getting MLB subscription!

When do we leave?

Same problem with Raven in Teen Titans.

My favorite female character on Dr Who in a long time, and one fantastic reason to bring in a female Dr when Capaldi is done to spar with her. Helen Mirren, anyone?

You had me at “Temuera Morrison”.  


The first one looks exactly like my pup!

Anyone have an electronic thumb?

Because ‘Space Between Us’ is trending right now, granting a marketing head-start? Adding special effects to it = revenue.

7) “The secret is not to dream,” she whispered. “The secret is to wake up. Waking up is harder. I have woken up and I am real. I know where I come from and I know where I’m going. You cannot fool me anymore. Or touch me. Or anything that is mine.” - Tiffany Aching, The Wee Free Men (Terry Pratchett)