
The media didn’t change the rules. The cultural revolution and feminism changed the rules; they redefined marriage. Women deserve so much more than to be sold into marriages for social and political reasons to a man who will neither love nor be faithful to them. They deserve more than suffering the humiliation of

I should go run errands once I turn it on right? ;)

In my experience (observed from families, friends, and coworkers), nobody ever utilizes the power setting. Imagine trying to cook everything in your oven at 500 degrees and only high on your stove top.

You are clearly wrong. Trump is incredibly successful and I know this because he keeps telling us so. Again, and again, and again. In fact, he says that his name alone is worth several billion dollars. Wow!

Scheana CANNOT be the victor here. I have to remain team Ariana, reluctantly.

I also read a book. It was called 1984. It’s about this guy and his big brother.

(I miss the days when we still liked Atticus)

What if you discover that the goat is your true love?

There is no such thing as a soulmate, no person who ‘fits’ with you completely. People have flaws, and people change. The partner whose qualities you love now may evolve overtime, as we all do. The You in twenty years will be far different than the You today, and who’s to say that the relationship won’t sour as a

And it’s not like Trump hasn’t questioned the faith of others that he’s running against. I swear, it’s like watching a horrendous car accident EVERY SINGLE DAY with this jackass.

It’s possible to be both mentally ill and a complete asshole, and not have the latter derive from the former.

He’s a gigantic baby who has always fancied himself to be far more important and talented than he actually is.

Those KJGirls have their hands full. Lamar, Kanye, Tyga and DoucheLord.

It’s always fascinated me that a large segment of the general public always has a negative knee- jerk reaction to first ladies who actually want to accomplish something with their platform like Hillary, Michelle, Chirlane, etc that’s any more involved than Nancy Reagan’s innocuous “Just Say No” or Laura Bush’s

Is he not the coolest? Direct confrontation or shade, Obama gets it in.

Blah blah blah... stop using facts and stuff!

“Your job doesn’t stop until you’re voted out, or until your term expires,” Obama said of the Senate,

A presidential campaign in now about 2 years long...and mid-terms...its as if after winning the election you have 6 months to get something done before everything must stop for midterms then about a 2-3 month gap and onto the next presidential election.