
Nobody is seriously coming for Nancy. This theater happens and then everybody gets to work. Why? Because some candidates have to run on an anti-Pelosi platform since the GOP made her so radioactive. Nancy doesn’t care. Nancy just gathers everybody together and keeps pushing ahead.

Nobody is seriously coming for Nancy. This theater happens and then everybody gets to work. Why? Because some candidates have to run on an anti-Pelosi platform since the GOP made her so radioactive. Nancy doesn’t care. Nancy just gathers everybody together and keeps pushing ahead.

This is a very important topic that I’m relieved to see finally covered with the seriousness it merits.

This is a very important topic that I’m relieved to see finally covered with the seriousness it merits.

This is a very important topic that I’m relieved to see finally covered with the seriousness it merits.

As a woman, I too have stupid, drunken, irresponsible high school actions in my past. NONE of them hurt another human, NONE of them would be considered a crime today, let alone a sexual assault.

As a woman, I too have stupid, drunken, irresponsible high school actions in my past. NONE of them hurt another human, NONE of them would be considered a crime today, let alone a sexual assault.

As a woman, I too have stupid, drunken, irresponsible high school actions in my past. NONE of them hurt another human, NONE of them would be considered a crime today, let alone a sexual assault.

As a woman, I too have stupid, drunken, irresponsible high school actions in my past. NONE of them hurt another human, NONE of them would be considered a crime today, let alone a sexual assault.

I wish women would *start* making that face and ditch the porny fake dumb duck lips pout. And while we’re at it, let’s stop making our eyebrows look like they were painted on with Sharpee.

I wish women would *start* making that face and ditch the porny fake dumb duck lips pout. And while we’re at it, let’s stop making our eyebrows look like they were painted on with Sharpee.

I wish women would *start* making that face and ditch the porny fake dumb duck lips pout. And while we’re at it, let’s stop making our eyebrows look like they were painted on with Sharpee.

Feinstein did the right thing. 

Abortion is the world’s most common surgical procedure, & has been practiced by almost all societies for many centuries. The abortion rate isn’t much different throughout the world, but where it is illegal, it is very unsafe. Where legal, extremely safe.

i don’t care do u

Why is everybody using “purposefully” when “purposely” will do and even be more apt?

Kitten heels are adorable. 

The mother is the only smart one and she is a monster.

No No No. Here is the way to deal. Assign all your contacts to a group. Assign that group a ringtone. Then make your phone’s default ringtone “silent”. That way everybody you who isn’t a contact, you won’t hear them. Their calls either will go to voicemail or they will hang up. Yay.
